365great Day 51: sweatpants with pockets

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365great challenge day 51: sweatpants with pocketsOk, this seems like a totally random thing, but seriously, I absolutely adore the two pairs of sweatpants I have that have pockets. In fact, I don’t wear my other sweats anymore because of them. After all, who wants to sit around with things laying nearby that you may forget to bring with you when you get up? Usually it’s just my phone and a lip balm that I like to keep handy, and it’s such a convenience to stick them in my pockets rather than remembering to carry them with me when I move around. I feel the same about sweatshirts and hoodies that don’t have pockets, but I find the pants pockets are more useful then the shirt/jacket pockets. For whatever reason, things tend to fall out of the pockets of my jackets – perhaps they’re too small. Sometimes, something as simple as pockets can be great.

Will you BB mine?

laelene Posted in reviews,Tags: , , , , , , ,

[Disclosure: I was provided a full size product for free in exchange for feedback as part of a BzzAgent campaign. All opinions are my own and I am not being compensated otherwise.]

I had just started to hear about BB creams and was considering buying some when I got invited to the BzzAgent campaign for Garnier’s Miracle Skin Perfector Oil-Free BB Cream! What perfect timing. I got a chance to try out this new BB cream product by Garnier and experience what the craze is all about. This is just the kind of product I need, since I have no patience for a skincare routine that requires half a dozen steps each time.

garnier oil-free bb cream sent for bzzagent campaignThe Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector Oil-Free BB Cream is meant for combination to oily skin, which is exactly what I have. It comes in three shade options: Light/Medium, Medium/Deep, and Deep. I opted for the Medium/Deep since I’m not fair-skinned but I’m not very tan or dark either. When I first tried it, it blended really well and I was happy with the results. Immediately, you could see improvement: my face no longer shiny, my skin tone was evened out, my blemishes and redness were less visible. All in all, I looked like I have a lot healthier skin.

garnier oil-free bb cream info sheet for bzzagent campaignI love that I don’t have to worry about my skin when I’m out and about during the day. With this BB Cream, my skin is hydrated, protected from the sun with SPF 20, pores are minimized, skin tone is evened out, and shine is controlled. It’s not greasy and super lightweight too, so you won’t even remember you put it on – it’s amazing how natural it feels. Once you put it on, you’ll see your skin has a nice matte finish, with all those skin problems evened out. The bottle is quite large, with a full 2 fl oz worth of product. It’ll last me a long time!

garnier oil-free bb cream bottle held in handGarnier Miracle Skin Perfector Oil-Free BB Cream contains a mineral called Perlite, which is superb at absorbing oil and water (twice its weight worth!). It’s also non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic, aka it won’t clog your pores or cause breakouts! And of course the oil-free formula is important for those of us with combination or oily skin. If you’re a dry-skinned person, then they have a different formulation for you. Either way, you’re covered! The coverage lasted well for me, even during a very active day out. I was so glad I didn’t have to think about how my skin looked as I met new people and had a bunch of pictures taken. 🙂 While you probably still want to use concealer on trouble areas, the BB cream will help even out everything else.

garnier oil-free bb cream with sample swatchThe only thing I don’t like about the product has nothing to do with its performance on my skin – rather, it’s the design of the tube. Since the cream is rather liquidy, it comes out quickly and sometimes I get too much. The hole is too small to try to get the cream back in effectively, so I either waste some or try to find more areas to slather it on. If I leave the tube on its head, I’m guaranteed to get too much when I open the cap. I think they could improve this by either making a pump top to dispense the cream in a more controlled fashion, or change the shape of the tube so you can keep the cap side facing up (which right now you can only do if you have something for the bottle to lean against).

Still, overall I do love my BB cream for giving me the confidence to go out in the world without thinking about how my skin looks. It makes skincare so easy that even I can do it!

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