365great Day 56: Amber Lyn Chocolates

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365great challenge day 56: amber lyn chocolatesOh my gosh. I just discovered these AMAZING chocolates today at Costco. How can a sugar-free dark chocolate taste so good?! There’s no bitter aftertaste, it goes down smooth, and tickles the taste buds with wonderfulness. I can’t speak for the milk chocolate, but both the dark chocolate and dark chocolate with cocoa nibs are delicious. In fact, I immediately bought a box of 15 bars for like $22. Yeah, they’re that good. I swear. You really have to try these if you have a Costco nearby that’s demoing these! The ingredients are simple, the product is gluten free, and it’s all natural too. I’m still baffled at how good they are (and I’m currently devouring my second bar tonight – yikes!). This brand is undoubtedly great.


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

Some relatives are coming to town, so my mom and I will be picking them up soon. We spent the last couple of days rearranging things in the house so we’ll be able to accommodate them. My mom, cousin, and I will be in the master bedroom as they take over the other three beds we have. I’ll be taking then around town the next two days before they head out again. Should be an active weekend!

One nice thing about having guests is that you really take the time to tidy up around the house in ways you might not have for awhile. It’s pretty cool that our rooms look so clean and organized now and hopefully it sticks for some time after they’re gone. I hadn’t realized the dust and water marks that had built up. Now everything is sparking and wonderful. Feels good to have such bright, gleaming surroundings.

When you have guests over do you do some spring cleaning too?

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