365great Day 66: nail polish

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365great challenge day 66: nail polishRecently I’ve really gotten back into painting my nails. For many years, I didn’t bother, but I’m finding it to be quite fun to play around with. I like being able to change the color of my nails as frequently as I wish and using it as a way of expressing myself. Sometimes I go for bold, wacky colors and other times I just use a neutral shade that you may not notice. Some colors are happy and bright while others are somber and dark. I also enjoy changing it up with the color combinations I use, sometimes painting all nails a different color while other times using an accent nail. It’s a simple way to try out creativity! And I swear, one day I am finally going to use up one of my bottles of nail polish… I may need to paint the nails of everyone around me, but I will do it! I’m sure it’ll be great fun.

Ipsy May 2013: Spring Fling

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I got my very first Ipsy glam bag because I looked for spoilers and found that 1) there would be a full size Zoya polish, 2) there would be a lip gloss or lipstick (I was really hoping for the lip gloss since I indicated in my preferences that I never wear lipstick), 3) there would be concealer and not eye shadow (whew, I never use eye shadow and it’d be a total waste for me), 4) there would be 2 other products so the value of the bag would be pretty awesome, and 5) the bag design was appealing. So I took the plunge and this is what I got:

ipsy may 2013 bag items including zoya gie gie nail polish, yaby honey concealer, mirabella daydream lipstick, anastasia clear eyebrow gel, and pacifiica island vanilla perfume roller

So my initial thoughts were that the bag is ok, but kind of cheap-feeling. Not a huge deal but I would have preferred better quality (then again for $10 a bag with those products I can’t complain). I don’t wear perfume, so I wasn’t excited about the Pacifica perfume roller, but it does smell nice in Island Vanilla so maybe I’ll use it. I wasn’t sure what the Anastasia brow gel was at first, but now that I think of it, I can get into that. I’m super sad I got the Mirabella lipstick and not the Juice Beauty lip gloss since I clearly stated I do not use lipstick but I like lip gloss. The Yaby concealer seems to be a good shade for my skin tone so I’m looking forward to trying it. And Zoya… oh, my polish. Of the 5 colors they offered this month, this was the only one I didn’t like. I’m just not into pink!

ipsy may 2013 bag items with boxes including zoya gie gie nail polish, yaby honey concealer, mirabella daydream lipstick, anastasia clear eyebrow gel, and pacifiica island vanilla perfume roller

Products with packaging.

My verdict for these items:
Pacifica Island Vanilla Perfume Roll-On – keep. I’m willing to dab it on here and there if only so I can smell it.
Anastasia Clear Brow Gel – keep. This could be something good for me to use on my brows.
Mirabella lipstick in Daydream – sell/trade. I would never use this so I’ll try to swap it for the Juice Beauty lip gloss with someone, or just sell it.
Yaby concealer in Honey – keep. My skin could use some concealer and I don’t have any I’m using now. Definitely worth trying!
Zoya nail polish in Gie Gie – trade. I would like to have one of the other shades (preferably purple) so I’m going to try finding someone to trade with me. Let me know if you’re interested!

Ipsy is $10 per glam bag and comes with 5 or so beauty/skincare products. Bags are sent monthly with no option to skip. There’s usually a waitlist to get the subscription. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free products.

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this bag and wanted to share what I got!]

Sunday Social: fun times

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Sunday Social
Joining in on Sunday Social ON Sunday this time! Yippee!

1. What is your favorite kind of surprise?
I’d have to say mystery boxes. While it’s cool to get surprised by a party (my amazing best friend did that for me before) or other unexpected event, I don’t really like being put on the spot. I’d much rather dig into a fun package with special treasures to be found. I’m pretty easy to please so I’m sure I’d be delighted with just about anything. Oh, and sweet little notes or messages are awesome too.

2. Flowers or chocolate?
Chocolate! I mean, I just love to snack and unless the flowers come in a pot, they just can’t compete with delicious treats. I have never been interested in bouquets of flowers – why would I want something that dies in a few days? A potted plant may not look as romantic, but it is so much more meaningful to me than a dead (or dying) plant. But I digress… I’m all about chocolate anyway. 🙂

watermelon sliced3. What is your favorite summertime activity?
Hmm… does eating watermelon count as an activity? I mean, living in California there are few things you can only do the in the summertime, but watermelons just don’t taste that great until it’s the right season! If I lived out east I’m sure it’d be exciting for the pool to open up or to be able to wear flip flops and more light clothing. Luckily, I can do that any time of year here.

4. Do you have any vacations planned this summer?
Absolutely! It kind of happened by accident, but Panda and I will be doing a mini vacation to Orlando. I unknowingly got roped into a timeshare presentation thing, but hey I’m down to learn more about it and get a nice break with my beau. This will help us last until late August, when the big vacation is planned! I would have been sad if we didn’t take some sort of vacation during the height of the summer months.

5. Favorite summer holiday?
4th of July. In certain states, it’s so much fun to play with fireworks. And in other states it’s fun to find a place to watch a fireworks show in the summer heat. I enjoy watching fireflies around this time too, and of course there’s the whole celebrating our nation part that’s pretty darn cool. That and Panda and I seem to be able to enjoy this holiday together every year.

6. What is your dream vacation?
Probably a 2-3 month giant getaway with Panda. I’d want to take him all around the world to my favorite places and explore some new countries with him too. This would involve a tour of Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden or Denmark, and hopefully a lot more. I’m not one to stay put in one location for extended periods.

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