Remember that game you used to play? Everyone would hold up all ten fingers and you’d go around the room saying “Never have I ever [fill in the blank],” with all those who had done it putting down one finger. This went on until there was only one person left with fingers standing. Sound familiar?

Some of the things I don’t indulge in.
I played that game quite a few times as an icebreaker and it’s a really interesting way to get to know people. The things that you choose to not do can say a lot about you. After all, self-control isn’t easy, so if you’re making the effort to NOT do something, then it’s probably somewhat important to you (usually). Of course sometimes it might just be because you can’t do it (which can also reveal a lot about you). I saw this post over on FatMumSlim and thought it was a great conversation-starter. Here’s my version!
Ok, so here goes! Never have I ever:
~cursed (on purpose/aloud). I must admit I did stumble over my tongue once when trying to say “shirt” and I have, in my head, considered saying some foul words. But never intentionally at or in front of someone.
~had most forms of alcohol. I tried a can or two’s worth of beer once (way worse than I even expected) for a round of beer pong.
~drank underage. I was 22 when I tried that nasty beer.
~had coffee or energy drinks. I hate the smell of coffee so I stay away. I’m not into over-caffeinating to try to stay away/alert so I have no need for coffee or energy drinks. Good old water is my friend.
~owned a dog. I’m more of a cat person, since they tend to be quiet, don’t need walks or baths, and are just the right size for cuddling. I do like dogs but I don’t really love them. One of the few breeds I might consider one day is a white Pomeranian – they may yap sometimes, but they’re so fluffy and cute I can probably overlook that.
~ridden a motorcycle. I’m not sure if this is something I’m interested in, but for the sake of trying, I probably will one day. The closest I’ve gotten thus far would be a moped. Does that count?
~had my own place. I’ve lived alone at my parents’ house (they were living abroad at the time) and I’ve had my own apartment (but shared it with someone else). I’ve yet to live in a place that I’m paying for by myself and I doubt I ever will. I don’t think I need to though, so that’s fine with me.
~smoked or done drugs. I have been around it and seen plenty of people doing it, but I usually walk away (if possible). In fact, I think that because I disliked smoking so much, I gave myself a sensitivity/allergy to it. One day, suddenly, I found that if I pass by the smell of cigarettes or marijuana, my throat swells up and my voice gets scratchy. Or maybe I just “gave” it to myself because I was around smoke so little. Who knows.
~had a food allergy. Nuts, gluten, dairy, fish, strawberries? Bring it on! I’ve known friends who are allergic to all of the above, but I’m not allergic to anything of the sort. In fact, other than that smoke “allergy” (sensitivity?) I’m not allergic to a single thing.
~pulled off an ollie. Ok, so most people probably haven’t, but what skateboarder hasn’t? I’m partial to long boards for cruising around SoCal style and those aren’t very trick-friendly. I played around with some friends’ short boards before and they taught me a trick or two, but I’ve yet to master the ollie.
~(for the non-skateboarders since the previous one is practically a freebie) broken a bone. The worst injury I ever had was shin splints and the only time I ever needed a hospital was for a minor surgical procedure to remove an odd birthmark.
So how’d you do? How many fingers do you have left standing?