365great Day 76: solid lotion

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , ,

Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 76 solid lotionMuch like solid shampoo, solid lotion is this fabulous thing that I hadn’t heard of until a few years ago. Was it around longer than that or have I just been clueless? I love how you don’t have to worry about it getting everywhere or creating problems when you’re trying to get through airport security. Plus, there’s something so rewarding about letting it melt against the heat of your skin – it feels rather luxurious. Part of it is probably due to the slowing down you need to do to really get the most out of it. After all, it takes time to let it melt and rub it in. And who wouldn’t love a cool-shaped bar like this one? For the longest time I didn’t dare use it except from the bottom because I didn’t want to mess up the flower. I’ve had similar experiences with all my other ones, which have been shaped like a strawberry and hearts and leaves. Too cute! You should really try them sometime; they’re great!

Gogobot 500 Days of Summer

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

In celebration of reaching 500 members in Gogobot’s West LA Facebook group, the lovely community manager and her interns put together a party that also featured the premiere of the Gogobus Thrift Shop music video that we filmed at the Gogobus Stop Spring Break Party. Of course I had to be there! We took over the outdoor patio at the back of Rush Street in Culver City. It was nice to see some familiar faces from the last event and also get a chance to meet some new ones.

Stay tuned for an update to the music video when it’s posted! [Update: it’s up!! GO WATCH IT (and like please) – I’ve also embedded it below. Enjoy! :)]

rush street in culver city

Approaching the venue.

gogobot 500 days of summer venue

Love the outdoor patio!

gogobot event check in goodies

Upon checking in, you were given a cute beach ball stress ball, some bubbles, and a greeting card and postcard. Photo credit: Steven Lam

gogobot free stuff on tables

Free swag was strewn across the tables. 🙂 Photo credit: Steven Lam

rush street food including pizza, sweet potato fries, and mac & cheese

Quite a delicious spread! Photo credit: Steven Lam

rush street mac & cheese

Perfectly cooked.

cupcakes with blue frosting 500 sign

And of course there was dessert. Some people already snagged a few before I could get a shot.

grabbing cupcakes

I wanted a chocolate one and this looked right but it turned out to be vanilla, lol.

gogobus music video premiere

The Gogobus music video premiere! Photo credit: Gogobot West LA Community Manager Audrey Lo

gogobus music video awards

The awards for the music video! Photo credit: Gogobot West LA Community Manager Audrey Lo

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