365great Day 78: purses/clutches

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , ,

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365great challenge day 78: purses/clutchesSmall purses or clutches are a great way to bring along some basic things on the go without going overboard. They’re also super cute and great for mini storage needs, like a First Aid kit or using as a handy place to stuff things in your car. They make perfect makeup or toiletry bags at home or something to keep your keys, money, phone, etc. in one place when going out. Oh, and of course you could always coordinate it with your outfit to become a part of the ensemble, whether it gives things an extra pop or just blends in with your clothing. I find them to be super handy and I enjoying having a couple to switch between based on my mood. They’re sleek yet cute, making them great for many occasions.

Traffic gaps & freeway weaving

laelene Posted in general blog, video blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Have you ever been driving down the freeway when it’s not too crowded and traffic is just rushing on by when suddenly you find yourself alone? There’s a cluster of lights up ahead maybe a mile or so and another behind you about the same distance away. I love it when I get in a situation like that – I’m away from the crowds and it’s just me and the road (until either I catch up to the cluster in front or get bombarded by the cluster behind).

It’s times like that that I want to weave back and forth like those highway patrol vehicles that do so to slow down traffic. I was actually caught behind one of those for a few miles recently and we even ended up at a dead stop for awhile (see videos below). Maybe there was debris on the road that needed to be cleared? I couldn’t tell because I was about 5 cars behind and there were too many red lights in my way to see. Luckily, it wasn’t like that one time I got stuck for two hours on the 405. This barely lasted three minutes and we were on our way again, rushing off into empty expanse ahead.

I wonder if you’re ever allowed to ride along when the highway patrol is doing that, because I’ve always wanted to. I mean, when else do you get to weave back and forth on the freeway without getting in trouble? And it’s gotta be fun to see all traffic yielding to you, crawling along as they wait to see if you’re bringing them to a stop or just slowing down the speed of traffic. Then when you’re done with your task, you turn off your flashing lights and race off to the next thing as the cars behind finally get to continue on their way.

highway patrol slowing traffic from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

stopped on freeway from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

365great Day 77: dolphins

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 77: dolphinsDolphins are amazing creatures! They are so smart, so cute, so friendly, and just wonderful. They’ve got personality too! I remember when I met Squirt in Singapore and he would pose beautifully for the women, but then not cooperate when it came to men! He was cool with his trainers, but not a fan of strange men. Totally hilarious. Then there were the bottlenose dolphins in the waters of Hawaii, that came up to our boat and swam with us, always matching our speed, whether we were racing with the wind or just floating. They made it clear they were here to say “hi” and play around and it was so cool. They must have hung around for a good half hour before going on their way. It was perfect, though I’d really love to swim with dolphins sometime. That would be so great!!

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