365great Day 64: Spring Sing

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365great challenge day 64: spring singTonight is the 68th year since Spring Sing first debuted at UCLA. It is a longstanding Bruin tradition that celebrates performing talent year after year. For the most part, it is a singing competition and it has seen the likes of Maroon 5 (back when they were Kara’s Flowers) and Sara Bareilles. However, to call it merely a singing competition is not fair – no, it’s an entire night of entertainment ranging from musical-style performances to hilarious comedic scenes, plus some judging and award-giving too. You want to see famous people? Check. You want to hear great singing? Check. You want to laugh your pants off? Check. You want to watch skillful dancing? Check. You can get it all in this fantastic event that started back when fraternity brothers would serenade sorority sisters. As for the singing itself, genres range across everything imaginable – a capella, acoustic, pop, rock, indie, soul, and so on. While I didn’t get to attend this time around, I did take advantage of the tanks that were designed and got one for myself! I’ll be wearing it proud over the years, for as the back of the shirt says, Spring Sing is “UCLA’s Greatest Musical Tradition” (and really I’d say it’s one of any university’s greatest).

Cutting through clouds

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I love looking up at the sky. I especially enjoy looking whenever I heard something flying by. This time, the plane weaved in and out of the thick clouds as I followed its sound. I can be entertained for ages like that.

plane flying through overcast skies from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

365great Day 63: Blockheads

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365great challenge day 63: blockheadsI’ve talked about them before, but boy is Blockheads yummy. I had never heard of snow cream before and a lot of people mistake Blockheads for a shave ice place. Not true. Snow cream is unlike anything out there, but it’s most like ice cream. Imagine taking a frozen block of ice cream and shaving it like deli meat, as thin as you possibly could. It comes out creamy, fluffy, soft, and amazing. I also love the fun flavors (often Asian-inspired) like black sesame, green tea, mango, or taro. Oh, and the toppings! I highly recommend the rice cakes they make in house and I always get some toffee crunch for a different texture. YUM. Here you can see the original I got today, with honey boba, rice cakes, toffee crunch, and condensed milk drizzle. Snow cream is indescribably great.

Naturopathica skincare regimen

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Awhile ago, I mentioned the Naturopathica skincare set that I had won. I got the products for normal to oily skin, since I’ve been dealing with breakouts for quite awhile. It includes the Oat Facial Polish, Rosemary Oil-Reducing Moisturizer, Aloe Cleansing Gel, and Plant Stem Cell Serum. The first two you use in the mornings and the last two you use at night. All of these products are really soothing and gentle on your skin. I haven’t been following the regimen strictly, but nonetheless I’ve seen impressive results!

naturopathica holistic health skin care regimen kit for normal to oil skin

naturopathica oat facial polish, rosemary oil-reducing moisturizer, aloe cleansing gel, and plant stem cell serum

First is the Oat Facial Polish, which I actually got a deluxe sample of in my Yuzen Spring box. It is smooth and creamy, with bits of oat and jojoba beads to gently exfoliate your skin. It feels very moisturizing and I swear I can feel it seeping into my skin to hydrate it. After washing my face with it, my skin feels so soft and supple. It’s quite refreshing!

naturopathica rosemary oil-reducing moisturizer swatch on fingerThen there’s the Rosemary Oil-Reducing Moisturizer that is a nice light formula. It also absorbs well into the skin and feels rather healing. It’s apparently an astringent blend, but it doesn’t sting at all! I never knew astringent and gentle could coexist in one product, so this is great. I love the light feeling and how it’s not oily at all – perfect for my combination skin. I use this to prevent my face from overproducing oil and it definitely calms things down.

naturopathica aloe cleansing gel swatch on fingerMy absolute favorite product of the set is the Aloe Cleansing Gel. At first, I didn’t really pay attention to it. It was just a soothing face wash that was calming and gentle on my skin. But then I noticed that I was about to break out one day and after washing with the gel, nothing happened. I have NEVER found a face wash that does that. Amazing! Since then, I’ve been washing my face with it exclusively, since I always seem to have a new breakout about to happen. Now I can actually prevent breakouts with a sulfate-free cleanser. It’s my new holy grail.

naturopathica plant stem cell serum swatch on fingerRounding it all up is the Plant Stem Cell Serum, which is a bit richer and thicker than the moisturizer. It’s organic and meant to slow down the signs of aging. At this point I don’t exactly have wrinkles, age spots, or other signs of aging, so I can’t tell if it’s working. All I know is that it, like all the other Naturopathica products, is smooth and gentle on my skin. It absorbs well and feels great! I feel confident that I’m giving my face some great preventative care when I apply it.

All in all, I am SO glad I was able to try these products. I probably wouldn’t have thought to buy the kit for myself, but now that I’ve tested the products, I am definitely going to be a Naturopathica customer as my current products run out. I’ve got my eye on some of their other items that I’d like to try as well!

365great Day 62: cotton

laelene Posted in 365great

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365great challenge day 62: cottonHow in the world did people figure out that they could make cloth out of this funny little plant? It’s pretty amazing to me and I love how soft and comfortable cotton clothes can be. Cotton is a funky plant that looks like a field of flowers from afar, but then you get close and you find this strange glob of stringy bits. I remember driving down to South Carolina last year and wondering what plants the fields contained, only to realize that it wasn’t some sort of food as I had imagined, but cotton! When we got the chance, I had Panda pull over so I could admire them up close. What a cool experience. I’d love to watch the process for turning that cotton plant into threads to make our clothes with. What a unique, useful, and great plant!

How to: Claim Your Username and Vanity URLs

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Ever want to claim “facebook.com/yourbrand” only to find it was taken? Rather than accepting that and settling for something like “facebook.com/yourbrand123″ (which is less than optimal), read on to learn how you might be able to get what is rightfully* yours.

First let me start by saying that most sites already use vanity URLs, so whichever username you choose will usually end up being in your URL. For example:


For these sites, the issue of the getting the vanity URL you want ends up being the same as getting the username you want. Once you get the username, you get the associated URL.

Now Facebook is an exception to this and you actually have to set the vanity URL yourself. They start you off with some ugly URL like http://www.facebook.com/pages/little-fat-notebook/457453117668145. Just go to the username settings page to change it to something pretty like http://www.facebook.com/littlefatnotebook. You can do this for your personal profile as well as any Facebook pages you manage. The cool thing is that usually you have to wait until you have 25 fans on a page before you can set the username, but by doing it this way you bypass that requirement! [Edit: Looks like there still might be a minimum – I was able to set the username with just 16 fans but I can’t for another page that only has 4 fans right now.]

facebook page set username

facebook page set username confirmation

Ok, so let’s say you’re claiming these usernames for your brand and you find someone has already taken them. You may not have to resort to choosing a different username – there’s an option to try to claim the username by reporting trademark infringement. A few tips for improving your chances of filing a successful claim:

1. You should own the domain name related to the username you want. For example, I own pandaloves.com and I wanted facebook.com/pandaloves and twitter.com/pandaloves

2. Even better if you actually own the trademark for the name in question, but it’s not necessary. If you do own it, make sure you can prove it to help your case. I never registered a trademark for my brand’s name, Panda Loves, but that was fine.

3. If you do own the domain (i.e., pandaloves.com), use an email set up from that domain for more credibility. This shows that you are an authorized representative of the business. I used contact@pandaloves.com as my contact email when I filled out the form.

I came across this helpful article for claiming usernames on Facebook and Twitter, which you should read if you are claiming a username on either site. I was able to successfully claim both usernames on Facebook and Twitter, but not Pinterest (they never got back to me). I haven’t tried for other sites.

For Facebook, go here to fill out the form: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/208282075858952

For Twitter, there are two routes you can take depending on if you own the trademark:

https://support.twitter.com/forms/impersonation (if you don’t own the trademark)
https://support.twitter.com/forms/trademark (if you do own the trademark and have proof)

And for other sites, I located articles that can help with the claim process. For any site not listed, do a search in their help section for terms like “trademark infringement” or even “impersonation” to locate more information.

YouTube: http://support.google.com/youtube/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=151655

Let me know if you have any further questions or how it goes when you do file your claim on these sites! Good luck!


*This is, of course, assuming that it is your right: that you are trying to claim the name of a brand you own and not take someone else’s.

365great Day 61: Loaded Boards

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365great challenge day 61: loaded boardsSometime in high school, I decided I wanted to learn how to skateboard. One of my friends promised to teach me, but then time went on and it kind of never happened. I graduated high school and moved on to college. Then, my senior year of college, I happened to hang out with some friends who skated and often had their boards around. I started by standing on them while leaning on a picnic bench. From there, I practiced standing without holding onto something. Before I knew it, my balance and control were improving and I could even manage some push-offs without hurting someone. After a tough Valentine’s Day with three brutal midterms, I decided to pull the trigger and treat myself to a board. The one I had in mind was a Loaded Board, which one of the guys had. It’s made from bamboo and is super flexible. I absolutely loved it and chose the Vanguard design. Soon enough, I was cruising around campus on my board, rushing off to classes and meetings and whatnot. It was so fun! I even got a chance to go cruising from Malibu to Venice Beach one weekend and had a total blast. I’ve had my share of scrapes and bruises, but that hasn’t stopped me. I do keep it pretty conservative though – no carving down major hills or trying any stunts. Nonetheless, learning how to skate and getting my beloved Loaded Board was one of the best decisions I made! It has been undeniably great.

Cyclist delay

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On my way out today, I went to drop off some books at the library, only to get stuck due to road closures for a cycling event! I ended up parking my car and walking the rest of the way to the library.

street closed off with orange cones and police cars due to cycling event

All blocked off to traffic (but at least not pedestrians).

parking lot coned off for special cycling event

Even the library parking lot was closed for the event.

guys removing orange gate barriers off street from cycling event

As the final cyclists made it through, the barriers were then taken down.

cop cars driving by and parked while managing traffic

Cops round up the end of the parade of cyclists and vehicles.

365great Day 60: the Getty

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Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 60: the gettyThe Getty sits perched atop a hill, overlooking a gorgeous landscape. If you know what you’re, looking for, you can see everything from downtown LA and UCLA in one direction to the ocean in the other direction. But its beauty lies not only in its view – the museum and grounds are marvelous too. The Getty is LEED certified and beautifully designed. Skylights, white stones, water fountains, and cool wood paneling all add to the serene and bright atmosphere. You get to enjoy picturesque scenes inside and outside, no matter where you wander. There are rotating exhibits that change every few months, so each visit can be a fresh look at things. The garden and lawn area is an excellent place to hang out, relax, and soak in the sunny days. Whether you’re into art, history, architecture, gardening, views, or nature, there’s something there for you. It’s worth a visit no matter what your interests! A place that caters to such a range of tastes is pretty unique and very great.

Sunday Social: past & future

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Sunday Social 
I really like the prompts for yesterday’s Sunday Social so I thought I’d join in! I saw them when catching up on Ramblings of a Suburban Mom and hey, better late than never, right?

1 year ago I was doing…
A bit of relaxing and enjoying life. I had just quit my job, was trying to find my way in the world of self-employment, but took a break to go back to China and attend my cousin’s wedding. Not long after, I had a grand vacation with Panda (our first time flying together!) in Hawaii before figuring out what to do with my entrepreneurial endeavors. I started by launching DeckMyPhone.com and later created PandaLoves.com. On the blogging front things were still tootin’ along as they have been since 2009, when I decided to do more “for the public” blogging. Prior to that, my blog was really more of an online journal/diary.

5 years ago I was doing…
Training for UCLA Orientation. I had not yet met Panda (wow, can’t believe I’ve only known him for less than 5 years when it feels like ages). I still had a month left before the quarter ended and I walked for graduation. It would be 6 more months before I finished up my classes since I took an extra quarter. Over the summer, I met Panda and we began our little romance, which has been tough but rewarding! I also went back to China at the end of this summer, getting a chance to check out the Paralymics in Beijing and visit relatives.

10 years ago I was doing…
A whole lot of adjusting and trying to grapple with living in California. I had just moved from New York the year before, was finishing up my junior year at my new high school, and still kind of hated LA. The weather was too dry (my skin hurt), I was still bitter that I had been torn away from my old high school and friends with little notice (we moved within 2 weeks of me finding out), I missed NJROTC (had to transfer to an AFJROTC unit since there was no Navy one nearby), and I didn’t like having to choose between track or swimming (they’re the same season in CA but not NY). Yeah, I was probably a bit of an angsty teenager. Oh, and I had just started to hear of this college called UCLA, which hadn’t been on my radar before.

1 year from now I’ll be doing…
Some sort of steady work. I’ve decided to get back into the “normal” workforce so I certainly hope I’d have a job by then! I’d love to continue my blogging and eBay sales on the side and hopefully will get my blog above the 1 mil Alexa rank threshold. I started off around 7.4 mil just over 2 weeks ago, when I decided I wanted to bring up my rank. As of now, I’m at 4.1 mil and I’m sure it will only get harder to move up but I’m confident that I can make it into the 6-digits range. Panda and I will be engaged, but I do not expect to be doing any wedding planning yet. We’ll both be living and working together (finally!) and building a nice little home life together before the craziness of kids.

5 years from now I’ll be doing…
The motherhood thing. I’ll probably have had my first child, if not a second as well (assuming there are no fertility issues). I’m sure Panda and I will both have our hands full. By this point we should have been married for a few years (whew, thank goodness! I will be glad when the wedding is over). I have no clue on the work front what I might be doing – maybe I love my career and keep it up, or maybe I decide I’d rather stay home. My ability to make money from home could help decide, or maybe Panda will decide he wants to be a stay at home dad. If we’re both working, our parents might come help watch the kids at times. I expect to have my cat Missy as part of our household too. Molly’s old so I don’t know if she’ll still be around, plus she loves my mom so maybe she’ll stay at my parents’ place.

10 years from now I’ll be doing…
Yikes, this one is the toughest one. I really can’t imagine what life will be like in 10 years. Ideally, Panda and I will both be working in careers that challenge and excite us. We’ll have a beautiful home with all kinds of personal touches we added over the years. We’ll probably have two little kids who are just starting the education journey and dreaming of their lives as adults. We’ll have a comfortable life filled with family activities and vacations and probably a terabyte of pictures stored away. I’d love to be getting a variety of subscription boxes so I can have a ton of mini projects to do, ranging from crafts with the kids to cooking with Panda. I’m sure I’ll still have way too many skincare items but a hopeless addiction to trying new ones nonetheless. I might still be trying to use up any single bottle of nail polish. I think I’ll still be blogging and trying to win stuff and selling on eBay on the side. We’ll see!

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