365great Day 59: Del Sol

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365great challenge day 59: del solI was on a cruise ship when I first encountered Del Sol and I was fascinated by their color-changing products, especially the nail polish. In fact, I bought a bottle of the nail polish as a souvenir. I wanted to get more items, but held back until I came across their store in Myrtle Beach. At that point, I found this cool t-shirt design that I loved, so I got that. I love the look of both the plain outline when I’m indoors and the bright colors when I’m out in the sun. Watching the colors emerge or fade never ceases to entertain me. It’s so much fun! I was given a nice tote bag for the t-shirt purchase, which I proudly carried around the beach. Over the years, I’m sure I will continue to collect a variety of Del Sol products. I love when science can be put to fun use like this! It’s so great.

Empty nest

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I got a brief feeling of empty nester syndrome today, as I dropped off our visitors at the airport. It was a whirlwind of taking out the luggage, trying not to get run over by traffic, and waving goodbye. In just a few seconds, I was back in the car and they were off into the airport. As I pulled away, I suddenly felt a little lonely. There were no more guests to drive around town, no more big meals, no more chatter. I’ve always lived a pretty quiet and solitary life, even when my parents were in the same house. This flurry of activity is a rare occurrence and it was rather fun to have a change of pace from my usual daily patterns.

I’m pretty pooped though, so I’m off to rest with my adorable kitty! Just look at her. 🙂

cat sleeping in corner of couch with head at funny angle

365great Day 58: a great view

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365great challenge day 58: a great viewWho doesn’t enjoy looking out from a mountain or across a valley or over the ocean or even from a penthouse and checking out a beautiful view? It could be a wide expanse of fields, a mountain range, the great big ocean (or a giant lake), maybe even a downtown skyline. When you look out at a landscape, it’s hard not to marvel at its beauty. I’m sure everyone’s idea of the best view varies, but we can all appreciate “seeing the big picture” in that way. I personally love sunsets behind mountains or over the ocean, as well as a glittering body of water as far as the eye can see. I love a connection with nature! Meanwhile, my mom enjoys more man-made views like that of a dense sprinkling of lights at night, whether from street lights or buildings. To her, they sparkle like stars for a bright nightscape. Whatever your preferences, a wonderful view is great.

Living it up in LA

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It’s been a busy two days for my relatives! They spent their first full day in LA out at Universal Studios, with a brief stop in the Hollywood area first, and a visit to Griffith Observatory afterwards. They took pictures of the Hollywood sign, walked around Hollywood & Highland, checked out the Chinese theater, looked at the star walk, and even stopped for some photos with some street walkers dressed as pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean. Then it was off to nearly 8 hours doing every possible thing at Universal Studios! The shows, the rides, the sights… and some of them they even got around to twice. Pretty impressive.

sunset over hollywood hills with hollywood sign on right sideI picked them up at 6:30 yesterday after that full day of adventure and we wrapped up the night by swinging by Griffith Observatory to check out the view of LA and look at all the exhibits inside. They peered into a telescope looking at a giant telescope atop Mount Wilson, learned about tidal waves and seasons and moon phases, played with the giant periodic table, figured out the way the pendulum worked, and tested out their weights on various planets. Oh, and they took a ton of pictures along the way! The sun was setting as we arrived at the observatory, so they went crazy getting some great shots of the natural scenery. We didn’t get home until 9:30 and then it was time to eat up for dinner!

Today it was another full day, first going to the Getty, where we explored nearly all the exhibits (it was actually my first time entering anything other than the West building). Then of course we had to wander around the garden area, where there were a ton of great pictures to be taken and flowers to be admired. Three hours later, we were able to wrap up and get to Santa Monica, where we wandered around Santa Monica Place, Third Street Promenade, Santa Monica beach, and the Pier. There was a stop for lunch so we’d have the strength to continue going and we saw everything ranging from the shopping strip to the ocean and even paused to check out a trapeze lesson on the pier!

panoramic shot of getty garden area view

Before we knew it, it was late afternoon and we rushed off to the Getty Villa since you could park there for free if you go on the same day as visiting the Getty. They close at 5 though, so time was limited. Traffic on the PCH was awful and it took a good 45 minutes to get from Santa Monica to the Getty Villa! Insane. We made it just 10 minutes before closing and they almost didn’t let the car through, but I sweet talked them. 🙂 Once again it was a great time for lovely pictures, with some exploring of the grounds before they started to chase us out for the day. On the ride home, we made a pit stop to get some ingredients for dinner and then another to get the wine that they forgot the first time around. We were going to make our way to some outlets too, but they decided that they can figure that out when they’re in Vegas or on another leg of the trip.

They sure did check out a lot in these two days, and got a pretty good feel of things from the coast all the way inland. There’s of course plenty they missed out on, but I think they covered quite a bit of ground in just two days.

365great Day 57: black peppercorn

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365great challenge day 57: black peppercornI really love snacks that have some cracked black pepper sprinkled on top. That bit of a kick and strong taste is really nice! It’s pretty addicting and a burst of flavor that doesn’t linger so it’s refreshing without being overwhelming. But because it doesn’t last, I keep wanting more! Before I know it, I’ve devoured a giant bag of chips or crackers and I feel oh so satisfied. I found it’s also great on meat. Who needs salt when you can crack some black peppercorn over your food? I think it’s a great (better) replacement.

FMSPhotoADay April 2013

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Yikes, completely forgot it was so far into May already! I’ve officially completed my first full month of the FMSPhotoADay photo challenge! I started back on March 10th so March was only 2/3 done – see what I posted that month! And here’s a roundup of what I did for April:

365great Day 56: Amber Lyn Chocolates

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365great challenge day 56: amber lyn chocolatesOh my gosh. I just discovered these AMAZING chocolates today at Costco. How can a sugar-free dark chocolate taste so good?! There’s no bitter aftertaste, it goes down smooth, and tickles the taste buds with wonderfulness. I can’t speak for the milk chocolate, but both the dark chocolate and dark chocolate with cocoa nibs are delicious. In fact, I immediately bought a box of 15 bars for like $22. Yeah, they’re that good. I swear. You really have to try these if you have a Costco nearby that’s demoing these! The ingredients are simple, the product is gluten free, and it’s all natural too. I’m still baffled at how good they are (and I’m currently devouring my second bar tonight – yikes!). This brand is undoubtedly great.


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Some relatives are coming to town, so my mom and I will be picking them up soon. We spent the last couple of days rearranging things in the house so we’ll be able to accommodate them. My mom, cousin, and I will be in the master bedroom as they take over the other three beds we have. I’ll be taking then around town the next two days before they head out again. Should be an active weekend!

One nice thing about having guests is that you really take the time to tidy up around the house in ways you might not have for awhile. It’s pretty cool that our rooms look so clean and organized now and hopefully it sticks for some time after they’re gone. I hadn’t realized the dust and water marks that had built up. Now everything is sparking and wonderful. Feels good to have such bright, gleaming surroundings.

When you have guests over do you do some spring cleaning too?

365great Day 55: TOUS

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 55: tousTOUS is a fun brand of jewelry that often uses their signature teddy bear shape in their designs. It’s pretty cool how creative they get with it sometimes and my ring is my favorite example. This was a gift from Panda for Valentine’s Day and while at first it may look like flower petals wrapping around the Murano crystal, it’s actually the shape of a bear! I absolutely love it because it is so unique and unexpected. Plus, I love the delicate/dainty feel of it. But back to TOUS – they have styles ranging from cute to elegant and most of their pieces manage to incorporate a bear. The versatility yet consistency of their brand is pretty amazing, and I find that’s what makes them great.

When in a jam…

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Question: What happens when a naked mole encounters a traffic jam?


naked mole traffic jam from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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