365great Day 49: salt water pools

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 49: salt water poolsCan some water be more “watery” than others? I don’t know how else to describe a salt water pool, but I swear the water feels more slippery than usual. It’s a really nice feeling, to have the water glide against your skin so effortlessly. Plus, it’s also nice to not have the chlorine smell hanging around you – a problem I had for years as a swimmer! There’s just something so very luxurious-feeling about a salt water pool and who doesn’t want to swim around luxuriously? It’s a great experience to have.

Blissmobox: Harvest Snacks

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Another belated review, but Blissmo sometimes offers old boxes up so hopefully this will come in useful!

blissmobox is just under $25 per month with shipping (or as discounted as just under $120 for 6 months) and comes with eco-friendly products in themes like beauty, snacks, home, pets, and more. Each month you choose from two or three themes, or skip if none of them appeal to you. They do not offer a referral program.

the choices for october's blissmobox: harvest snacks or skin appeal

The two choices for the October blissmobox.

I had gotten a good amount of skincare type products from previous months, so I was in the mood for some food again! This is the October box and I went with Harvest Snacks to fill my belly.

collage of october harvest snacks blissmobox contents including alive & radiant kale chips, kur delights coconut cream, brothers-all-natural crisps in asian pear and fuji apple, two clif kit's organic fruit & nut bars, and lush nuts in three flavors

collage of alive & radiant foods kale krunch in quite cheezyAlive & Radiant Foods Kale Krunch, Quite Cheezy – These are really nice! I love the light texture and the crispiness. It crumbles easily so you don’t have to worry about having to bite hard and the “cheese” is actually made from veggies! It still tastes good and rather cheesy though, so that’s awesome. I really enjoyed these and actually went out to get some more. This turned out to be my favorite flavor after trying some others. Kale is really good for you and some people don’t like it when wet, so this dried version can be a perfect alternative.

collage of kur delights coconut creamKur Delights, Coconut Cream – For a coconut fanatic, these would probably be great. One little square is quite filling, but I don’t like when my snacks are so “heavy” and these are really dense. Their packaging is so cute and I love that the product is raw – you probably get more nutrition that way. Of course, if you’re allergic to nuts you’d want to avoid this since it contains cashews & coconuts.

collage of brothers all-natural asian pear crispsBrothers-All-Natural Crisps, Asian Pear – The freeze-dried texture is pretty unique – rather fluffy in its crispness, if that makes sense. They’re quite good and have a nice light pear flavor. I mean how can you go wrong with taking real pears, slicing them up, and making a snack from that? You get all the benefits of the fruit without the messiness, plus these keep for much longer. If you like Asian Pears, these are a perfect way to enjoy them on the go.

collage of brothers all-natural fuji apple crispsBrothers-All-Natural Crisps, Fuji Apple – Same deal with these fuji apple slices. These were a bit sweeter and had a stronger flavor to them. The apple wants to make sure you know its there! I love that a single bag contains 2 servings of fruit. What a quick and easy way to get in more of your fruit servings each day. The natural taste of the apple shines through and it makes for a yummy crunchy snack.

collage of lush nuts in salt & pepper, original, and dark cocoa chiliLush NutsSalt & Pepper, Original, & Dark Cocoa Chili – I’m not much into nuts, but these were decent. The Chili ones had quite a kick to them! I’m pretty sensitive to spicy things so I couldn’t quite eat them all. I liked the original the best and the seal & pepper next. The salt & pepper ones were a bit more salty than I would have liked, but the sweetness helped even it out a bit. Couldn’t tell there was any pepper.

collage of clif kit's organic fruit & nut bar in peanut butterCLIF KIT’s Organic Fruit & Nut bar, Peanut Butter – I don’t really like peanut butter, so I don’t know if I’m a fair judge for this bar. Personally, I found it a bit too dense, much like the coconut delights from above. It wasn’t too peanut buttery and more just peanuty – I didn’t get that creamy sort of taste. I think this would be a great bar for sustained energy if you’re working out or can’t grab a proper lunch (and assuming you like peanut/peanut butter flavored stuff).

If you’d like more info on these brands, you can click below to enlarge the photo and read more.

blissmobox harvest snacks info sheet

365great Day 48: Tiny Prints

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 48: tiny printsTiny Prints is a great company that allows you to create really cool cards. You choose from various templates based on different occasions, then upload your own photos for a customized look. Change the messaging as you wish and boom, you have a masterpiece. The cards are then printed on recycled paper and mailed out to your recipient! They are high-quality and the combination of personal yet professional look is really nice. If you’ve never made a card with them, you should really try! It’s fun to put together and even better for the recipient. Getting a personalized card like that is so great!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

I’ve been in and out of a funk lately. For a time, I was focusing on a new project, but ever since I got back to the West Coast I haven’t really been able to concentrate on it. Instead, I found myself getting into my blogging again, with a big bout of inspiration. Also, I picked up a hobby obsession with entering (and winning!) sweepstakes/giveaways. Oh, and I’ve started to carve out a little piece of the reviewing world for myself, getting some products for free in exchange for feedback for those brands/companies.

sitting on front porch with legs extended working on laptop

Why wouldn’t I want to work on my front porch?

While all this is good and well, it’s not exactly a career unless I get a mad following or something. I’ve been working on promoting my blog more and I’ve seen improvement, but still, it’s tough to make a good living as a blogger and few people can rely on it solely. I’m enjoying myself and doing what I like, but I can’t help but feel that others are judging me for my lack of career at this point. It makes me wonder if I should be more eager to get back into the work force and earn a more steady income.

I’m a stubborn one, so the more people try to push me towards “normalcy” the more I want to buck against it. But I do see the benefits – I mean, I don’t want to have financial difficulties in my life. I’ve been fortunate to never have been in debt or had anything I couldn’t pay back and I never plan on experiencing that. Perhaps it’s unfair to assume the “housewife” role and stay at home doing what I can online as Panda goes out to work each day.

sitting under cabana working photo edited rainbow filter

Enjoying the weather while working? Certainly!

Still, I can’t help but wonder why I need to join all those Americans who work too hard, stress themselves out, and don’t even have fun along the way. What’s the point of earning a ton of money if you’re risking your health and happiness? Why is it that career success is often seen as more important than personal success (like within the home)? Perhaps that’s what’s wrong with this society. There’s so much glamour in earning a big paycheck, driving a fancy car, owning a large home, and otherwise living the “high life.”

Meanwhile, the quality of life and your personal well-being is completely ignored. Is a crazy high income worth never being home? Is a super busy schedule worth the shortcuts you take for your health? Maybe I’ve been taking it easy for too long (a year), but I sure do enjoy this ability to sleep in or stay up as I feel and manage my time freely. Are you only “good enough” if you’re sleep-deprived, too busy for socializing or relaxing, and soaring in your career? It sure seems that way, what with people bragging about how crazy their lives are.

lounging by pool in cabana with view of harbor

Should I feel guilty I get to work like this?

It’s sad really, that I almost feel ashamed that I’m not overworked. In fact, it’s just guilt that maybe I’m not being ambitious enough with my earning potential that is causing me this stress right now. I’m perfectly happy otherwise – I get time with family, I get work done, I get rest, and I am pretty well-balanced with the areas of my life. But I bet there are those who would look down on me and my situation and think that they’re better off because they have a nice paycheck. It’s not that I don’t want to earn money – I’ve just seen how big the trade-off is and I’m no longer sure that all that insanity is worth it.

I’ll probably still end up getting into the grind, working at that rat race that never seems to end. Yes, even entrepreneurs who don’t enter the traditional rat race find themselves in one of their own. Anybody with a job in the US isn’t truly immune to the intense competition, no matter what your industry or role. All because our society has developed in such a way that we aren’t deemed “successful” otherwise. And gosh darn it, I’m not about to disappoint my family. If they see failure in no high-power career, then I guess I’ll try to build that nice little career. But I’ll probably still languish around from time to time since I can’t quite say that it’s what I truly want. However, I don’t want to be dead weight and/or a burden either. So I guess it’s time to suck it up and get back in touch with my work-related ambitions.

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