365great Day 80: crab legs

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , ,

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365great challenge day 80: crab legsOh crab legs, how delicious they are! And eating them is just not as rewarding if you don’t crack them yourself. I love getting a bucket or platter of steaming legs and cracking my way through them, occasionally dipping in butter. They’re lip-smackingly awesome! I’ll even wear a bib if I have have to. 😉 These tasty fellows are perfect with just a little bit of seasoning. To me, it’s not just about eating them, but it’s about the entire experience that makes you feel like you earned that meat. It can be hard work on your hands and mouth, but then it’s such a treat for your taste buds. I also like how it makes you slow down when eating – you can’t exactly gobble up a ton of crab meat at a time when you’ve got to pick and pull and prod and push your way around those hard shells. The flavor, the labor – it’s great!.

Sleeping ways

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

How do you like to sleep?

I’m a pretty wacky sleeper. I usually start on my back and have my legs splayed every which way, then throughout the night I toss and turn to either side, legs swinging along with my torso. I also have a tendency to kick the blanket off my legs – they like to “breathe.” Usually the only part of me that needs the blanket is my tummy. The rest could be with blanket thrown off at any point. Only in the colder months do I calm down a bit and keep all but one leg, foot, knee covered.

I tend to take up a lot of room too, with my legs bent out to either side or my arms out or above my head. And since I move a lot I tend to need a pretty wide area to move about. I never stay on my sides for long because of the pressure on my hips. About two years ago I suddenly couldn’t lean on my right side anymore because it was so uncomfortable on my hip. Things have eased up since then but it’s still pretty uncomfortable for me.

Meanwhile, Panda likes the blanket tucked in tight, especially under his chin (I can’t stand that). He will often sleep with his arms up over head but rarely out to the sides. He also rolls to either side, but doesn’t quite flail like me. He does tend to take up a lot of blanket though!

My cat Missy? She’s a belly-up, arms up, waist twisted kind of sleeper. 😉

cat sleeping belly up with arms outstretched

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