365great Day 81: loading zone parking

laelene Posted in 365great

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365great challenge day 81: loading zone parkingOnce upon a time I used to look at cars parked in loading zone spots and think to myself, “Who do they think they are?” It didn’t help that pretty much all the cars were luxury brands, which gave me the impression that a sense of entitlement is what drove these people to park there. Perhaps they felt they were above the law (or that a “measly” fine wasn’t a big deal). Little did I know that they were perfectly within reason! A few years back, I was told that yellow loading zones are ok to park in at night and on Sundays*. Whaaat?! Seriously? I didn’t believe it at first, but lo and behold, some research brought me to the LADOT page where it’s all laid out for you.

“In the City of Los Angeles, yellow curb zones are effective 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Parking is permitted during non-restricted times.”

Amazing! Ever since, these yellow loading zones have been a sort of golden ticket for me. I feel like I’ve won the lottery each time I’m able to snag one and that I share a “dirty” little secret with few others in the city. I even took a picture to commemorate the first I parked in one (pictured). I smile to myself when I pull away from my spot and find that the car behind me wanted the spot but then left when they saw it was a loading spot. I used to be that naive. It’s like being in some inner circle and now you’re invited too. Just don’t steal my spot next time I need to park in LA. Thanks. 😉 Isn’t that knowledge just great?

*I’m strictly referring to territories within LADOT’s control. Please check with your local Department of Transportation to see what the rules are in your city..


FMSPhotoADay May 2013

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

I was going to post these photos from the May FMS photo challenge but the internet gave out on me yesterday and trying to do it on my phone is way too challenging.

Hello, June. Here’s a look back at my pics for May’s FMSPhotoADay photo challenge! Little did I realize I used the same picture twice. Oops! Guess that’s what the monthly view teaches me… how to see the big picture. 😉 Check out previous months’ postings too.

fatmumslim may 2013 photo a day prompt card

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