365great Day 109: mustache glasses

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365great challenge day 109: mustache glassesThese things crack me up. They add their own charm to sunglasses, each in their own way. It’s amazing how the shape of a mustache can really change the impression you get. I’ve seen curled ones that remind me of circus folk, small ones that remind me of French men, large ones that remind me of that Looney Tunes cartoon, even digitized ones that remind me of video games. They’re a ton of fun to play with and they’re quite a conversation starter. Pretty simple and small for such an effective prop! Actually, a mustache in general is pretty cool. I’ve seen soap bars, home button stickers, t-shirts, and even cookie cutters with a basic mustache design that add an extra pop to the product. Isn’t that just great?

FMSPhotoADay June 2013

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

Here’s my final FMS Photo A Day pictures for now. I’ve done it for three and a half months and I’m ready to try my own challenge. Check out my previous months’ postings too.

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