365great Day 113: road trips

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365great challenge day 113: road tripsIt’s such a fun, exhilarating, even romantic concept, isn’t it? Road tripping is super popular with Americans, if only as a fantasy, but plenty do manage to do at least some small ones. Whether you’re driving 3 hours or 3 days, it can be quite the experience to pack up, hop in the car, and hit the open road. Panda and I made a little one for the 4th of July break, trekking up to Pennsylvania to check out Hershey and Gettysburg, with a stop in Harrisburg. It was fun to be alone in the car together, with plenty of time for conversation, sightseeing, and overall bonding. It reminded me of trips I took with my parents as a kid – I’d spend a lot of time reading or looking at the landscape passing by as my parents sang Chinese songs playing on the cassette. We’d make pit stops for gas and food and I’d snuggle in with a blanket and pillow. What fond memories! Road trips are great for that.

Harrisburg’s amazing 4th of July fireworks

laelene Posted in general blog

Ok, seriously, I was really impressed by the fireworks show put on in Harrisburg for the 4th of July. Panda and I spent the day out in Hershey and had originally planned to go out there to watch the fireworks, but since our hotel was in Harrisburg, we figured there was probably something there that we could watch. We confirmed it with hotel staff and while our room faced the wrong way, their executive lounge overlooks the river and has an excellent vantage point.

panoramic of susquehanna river from water level facing metro bank park stadium


There were festivities going on down by the river, which we went to check out. There we found a TON of people claiming their spots to watch the fireworks for the night. We stumbled upon some stairs that took us right down to the river and sat there for a bit, considering staying for the show. It was pretty much directly across from the Metro Bank Park, which is the stadium where the fireworks were purportedly originating from. However, the cement ground was uncomfortable and we didn’t want to get caught in the crowds leaving afterwards, so we retreated to our hotel and staked a claim in the executive lounge.

rice crispy treats dyed reddish pink topped with white sprinkles and blue sugar bits

While waiting in the lounge, we snacked on some patriotic treats.

4th of july fireworks over metro bank park stadiumAround 9, we were looking up whether the game had ended (hotel staff had told us the fireworks would start at that point). Right then, the first firework went off! I thought they’d wait until it got a bit darker, but as we stood captivated by the fireworks display, the sky darkened without us even realizing so ultimately it was a fabulous night show. About 10 minutes in, the fireworks over the stadium died down but just as I wondered if the show was over, much larger ones picked up north of the stadium. I presume these were from a barge in the river.

4th of july fireworks show over susquehanna river as viewed from hilton harrisburg executive lounge

Suddenly the fireworks over the river started and went well past dusk.

The sudden transition was completely unexpected and really quite amazing! I mean, my mind was blown. This is the first time I’ve had a fireworks show that went from one location to another, one right after the other and pretty close to each other. I loved it! They also had a bunch of fireworks I like, such as those that seem to fizzle out after their initial explosion, but then have mini explosions that dance around and then yet another set before finishing. They also had this super cool spiral-shaped one that I’d never seen before in all the shows I’ve watched. I’ve got to say, I was pleasantly surprised and rather impressed with the combined shows! The second one lasted about 20 minutes for a total of 30 minutes of entertainment for the night. Go USA!

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