365great Day 115: thunderstorms

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365great challenge day 115: thunderstormsOh how I love a non-severe thunderstorm. I’m not exactly sure why, but ever since I was a kid, I loved when a thunderstorm darkened the sky. I’d sit by the window with my books around me as I snuggled in with a blanket and read to the pitter patter of the rain, the flashes of lightning, and that deep rolling thunder. Sometimes I’d get some hot water or hot chocolate to warm up with as well. When I got tired of reading, I’d stare out at the rain splashing on the leaves of the trees or the blades of grass. I’d look into the varying shades of gray of the storm cloud and get lost in my own thoughts. It was also a great time for me to write in my journal as well. Thunderstorms create a sort of meditative environment for me, which is great for capturing thoughts. I find them to be so great for finding peacefulness.

Mobile phone: naked or covered?

laelene Posted in general blog

collage of white iphone 5 on left vs iphone 5 with purple glitter case on right

I had a friend actually gasp out loud when he saw my iPhone, bare and unprotected. “How could you leave it naked?!!” he asked in shock. Well, I like to use my devices just the way they were designed, without all this other bulk in the way. Sometimes I like to dress it up with a case, but I would never want one of those ugly Otterboxes unless I was planning a trip to the jungle. For normal use in a metropolitan or suburban environment, the phone itself suffices. After all, it was created to be able to hold up to average wear and tear. A few drops and scrapes won’t ruin it (though it might create some heartbreak for those who like their devices to remain pristine).

corner of white iphone 5 with scratches and dents on corner

My phone’s battle scars.

This is not to say that I’m really good with handling my phone carefully. In fact, I regularly drop it at least a few times a week if not a few times a day. Surfaces range from carpets to cement and drops as high as two or three feet. Amazingly, I’ve never shattered the screen of my most recent model, the iPhone 5. People may go crazy putting on protective cases and screen covers, but they wear down so fast you have to keep replacing them. I mean, I still have a ton of each for when I do feel like protecting my phone a little more, but generally I just let it be. I figure I’ll only have it for 2 years so how much damage could I possibly do?

I guess another factor is that I seem to have a string of bad luck with a new device within the first few months. I’ve already had to swap out my iPhone 5 some 5 or 6 times, due to a variety of issues (mostly dust specks getting into the camera lens). So really, my last device that I get before the 1 year warranty expires only has to last me another year or so before I can upgrade. Do you think you can manage to not break a phone or scratch it up too bad in a year? Most people can, so to me it’s no biggie that my phone is not encased in plastic. I’d rather have a beautiful slim device as lightweight as possible.

So what about you? Do you prefer to use cases for your devices or do you leave them “naked” too?

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