365great Day 119: Massage Envy

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Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 119: massage envyMy favorite part about Massage Envy is the convenient booking – I’ve gotten appointments within half an hour from calling, which is just what my sore muscles need sometimes. The monthly membership offers a reasonable rate and I’ve found some real gems in the massage therapists there. I’ve gone to at least 4 different locations and with most, I already have a favorite or favorites who I know will give me the kind of massage I’m looking for. I also like that they have so many massage therapists, because sometimes I just want to mix it up and try out many different styles. They also offer really nice facials that have always left me feeling refreshed. They use Murad products for their facials, which is a nice brand. I always look forward to my visits and having a membership encourages me to take care of my body more! That’s always a great idea.

Ralph’s produce finds

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

There’s some really pretty shots to be found at Ralph’s groceries.

colorful heirloom tomatoes ranging from green to red to yellow to orange at ralph's grocery store

Wow, at first I thought these were pumpkins and squash, but they’re all heirloom tomatoes! They’re just about every color you can imagine.

pile of baby pineapples at ralph's grocery store

So cute and petite! I wonder how much meat is edible though.

exotic fruits found in ralph's grocery store

There’s passion fruit, dragon fruit, kiwano melon, pepino purple melon, and manzano bananas.

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