365great Day 128: fortune cookies

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , ,

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365great challenge day 128: fortune cookiesHowever they were invented, fortune cookies are quite amazing. Have you ever watched them being made? It’s a skill that is fascinating. Only during a few key seconds can you form them into their unique shape. Even more interesting beyond that is the idea of a slip of paper inside with a little nugget of wisdom or vague statement printed on it. Who doesn’t enjoy a bonus in their treat? It’s really a simple, but brilliant concept and it’s no wonder it has lasted so long. Truly good fortune cookies are tasty treats in their own right, but turning them into a treasure is even more satisfying. I always enjoy eating a fortune cookie at the conclusion of a meal; it wraps things up so nicely and warms my heart every time. For such a simple pleasure, that’s pretty great.

Random observation: bridges

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

What’s black and white with yellow stripes?

No, not a bridge, but a road with a bridge! So I’ve been doing a lot of flying lately – from LAX to IAD, then from IAD to MCO and back – and quite a bit of driving (or being driven) too – from VA to PA and back – and it started to become really obvious to me that when I saw a patch of lighter pavement, it was a small bridge or overpass. Have you ever noticed that too?

black road with white bridge aheadMy theory is that the bridges are made with a different paving material (concrete vs. asphalt) for two possible reasons: 1. to ensure that they are sturdy enough to hold under the weight of all the passing traffic and 2. to use the lightest/least possible material. Asphalt can be poured onto the base layer of concrete for roads directly on the ground, but when it comes to bridges, adding that extra weight isn’t necessarily worth the benefits of easier maintenance. So while you’ll find black asphalt roads most everywhere, once you approach a bridge, don’t be surprised if it’s white(ish). Then again, maybe you’re not a nerd like me, noticing and trying to understand this difference. Just thought I’d share one of the many random things I notice and think about as I go about my daily life.

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