365great Day 141: shelves

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

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365great challenge day 141: shelvesWhen counter and desk space start to get crowded, one of the easiest ways to alleviate the problem without stuffing everything away into drawers is getting some shelving! I personally love shelves because it gives you so much room to put stuff and still see it all. I like to keep my stuff within easy reach and if I tuck it away into a drawer, I might not use it as much as I’d like. Recently I decided that I needed a shelving solution and I found this great 9-cube shelf at Target. Imagine the clutter I had with all that stuff before I had the shelves to help me out! Things were laying all over the floor, the bed, chairs, and nightstands. Now it’s much more organized and I can always drape something over the entire thing if it gets unsightly and I don’t want it to be an eyesore. I love storage solutions and shelves are one of the greatest.

Site issues

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Two nights ago I got a 500 error on my site (internal servers down). Last time this happened I kind of freaked out and did a ton of troubleshooting, only to find that if I had just given it an hour or two it would be fine. So, lesson learned! I decided to go to bed and the next morning everything was fine. Buuut this time my site wouldn’t load at all! I gave it some time again before going to my web host’s site to try to contact them.

server timed out error message

screenshot of facebook announcement that justhost's servers were downAs it turns out, all their sites were down. Looks like the entire set of servers they use got messed up somehow. After trying to search for answers, I decided to find them on Facebook and discovered that they’d posted a message about the outage. I’m curious though, what they were doing for the past 8 hours… my best guess is that the maintenance was automated and routine, so they might not have caught the issue until they got to work this morning. Or, maybe it really takes that long for them to fix an issue this large. I mean, even all their sites were down so it looks like every single part of their network was kaput.

This does explain another question I had: why I hadn’t received emails since 4 AM EST. Since I use an email with my domain name, no incoming messages were making it. I wonder if I’ll be able to recover those emails when the servers are back up or if they’ve been lost in web wilderness forever. Hopefully nothing important was supposed to reach me at that time! My site is back up for now, but I’m still not sure if it’s all clear since it was up a little earlier and then wouldn’t load again. I hate this feeling of uncertainty! I should probably look into backing up my site on another server just in case.

Once things look resolved, I’m going to reach out to JustHost to complain if they don’t automatically offer some sort of compensation for this. A ton of people commenting on their Facebook page think similarly and I’m just glad I don’t need my site to make money, or else I’d be much more upset too! This kind of interruption of business is not good.

What would you do if your servers were down for nearly half a day?

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