365great Day 171: vitality

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365great challenge day 171: vitalityWhile traveling through the UK, Panda and I often found ourselves with a bit of a challenging task getting around. We’d only resort to taxis if there was no other way, so that meant a lot of walking to get from hotels to stations with our luggage. For the most part we did a good job, getting hotels very close to a station, but with Edinburgh we got a bit confused and accidentally booked a train ticket into Waverly Station, but a hotel near Haymarket. Upon arrival, we had a choice: walk the 1.2 miles or get train tickets for the next station over. At first I figured we’d just get tickets but Panda got ambitious and decided we should walk it. After all, we’re now pros at walking extensively throughout these cities – what’s another mile? And so we braved the fierce wind and chilly night to make it to our hotel. It feels invigorating to be able to do things like this and not have to worry about poor health or physical ailments or just plain weakness getting in the way. I treasure the health we have now and the strength and endurance our bodies are capable of. As we age, I’m sure we’ll be more and more spoiled by services like cab drives and bell hops. Until then, I love that we can do these things and not even be out of breath.  What a great feeling!

Photo A Day Challenge August 2013

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

Alright, so I did my #monthoffood personal photo challenge and found that my habits are on the greasy side, with a sprinkling of fruits and veggies. Not the best but boy is it yummy. 😉 For September I’ve decided to do a theme of #upandout where I focus more on what I see and encounter when I look up and/or out. Catch you next month when it’s all done! And here is a look at the food I ate throughout August:

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