365great Day 207: the tropics

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: ,

365great challenge day 207: the tropicsWho doesn’t enjoy a vacation to a tropical paradise? I’ve visited many a palm tree-covered region like Florida, Hawaii, Australia, Hainan… each of which had its own draw and gorgeous sunny days. Some people may prefer the dry California climate, but I quite enjoy a nice humid place. The colors seem brighter in those places and the sky is such an amazing hue. Oftentimes you get the most brilliant white sand that is so fine it soothes your feet. Ah, and those crystal clear waters that are home to friendly dolphins, sea turtles, and all sorts of funky fish. It’s such a pleasure to go relax in those places, but it’s a good thing I don’t live there or I may never get work done! Maybe down the line when I no longer work I’ll consider moving to one of those regions – wouldn’t that be great?

Battle of the Brawn

laelene Posted in lifestyle glimpses, stories,Tags: , ,
nerf gun held up at the ready prepared to shoot

Ready for an attack.

Sometime last week, I found myself getting involved in the Nerf gun battles at work. One of the fun parts of working at a tech start-up are these random breaks we can take. Today I really got into it after being attacked (for no reason!) by Brawn. We had some back and forth attacks in the afternoon and towards the end of the day, I found myself holed up in a room with Jokester as Brawn tried to barge in. We have these doors that are glass with a wood frame, so it was pretty terrifying to be facing the enemy with just glass between us. I couldn’t help shrieking and squealing a few times – hopefully I didn’t disturb many people! A lot were wrapping up for the day or gone already, so I think it was fine. Then again, I was having too much fun to care enough… 😛

bloody fingers cut in multiple places

Battle wounds.

I’ve managed to be a pretty worthy adversary, though I’m all paranoid about being attacked now. So anyway, there I was stuck in a room with Jokester (who, by the way, was attacking me from behind). I managed to shove my foot in the door to prevent it from opening too much as Brawn and I shot at each other through the crack. I held off pretty well and was having a grand old time until I felt my finger get wet, which was really weird. My first thought was that somehow they’d spilled water on me (or did Brawn spit on me?!). Alas, when I looked down I found my finger was covered in blood. I hadn’t even felt how I cut myself, but apparently my finger got caught on the trigger and got a little shredded up. Ouch. I let Brawn in the room at this point since he seemed to feel bad for me, but then he turned around and shot me in the gut! That guy can’t be trusted, lol. But hey, at least then he went and got me a paper towel to clean up my blood. My right hand will have to be out of commission for a little while now, but I’m sure I’ll make do with my left.

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