365great Day 208: clouds

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , ,

365great challenge day 208: cloudsOh what a brilliant skyline we had this evening as the sun was setting. The light came at just the right angle to create an amazing hue on the clouds lingering overhead. You could see everything from golden yellow to deep purple and it was stunning. If the clouds weren’t there to reflect the light, we wouldn’t have nearly as cool a view. I also enjoy thunderstorm clouds, with their deep grey menacing look bringing thunder, lightning, and rain. It’s the perfect time to curl up with a hot drink and get cozy as the pitter patter of the rain and rumbling of thunder create a symphony of sound. On the flip side, those super fluffy white clouds floating ever so peacefully overhead is striking too, especially against a rich blue sky. It’s always fun to look up and see what sort of clouds are blowing by; it’s great entertainment.

Homegrown Collective September 2013 review

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , ,

I got the Homegrown Collective September GREENBOX about a week ago, but am just getting around to reviewing it! I enjoyed this “Back-to-school: sustainable laundry 101” theme a lot because it is so useful – I mean, everyone’s got to do laundry, right? (I hope.) Here’s the unboxing video for those who prefer that.

The Homegrown Collective GREENBOX is $39 per box + $9 shipping (or as discounted as $429 for an entire year, with options in between) and comes with fun and easy projects to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program you can apply to join.

inside of homegrown collective box with the info sheets on the inner lid and white homegrown collective sticker on brown paper wrapping

They stuck the info sheets on the lid and changed up the sticker this time.

contents of the homegrown collective september 2013 box with laundry theme

All sorts of laundry goodness. Yes, I already used the wool ball, which is why it looks worn.

Project #1, soap nuts: This is a nice project because it’s as easy as tying the bag and throwing it in the wash! These soap nuts are so cool and I wonder if someone has accidentally tried to eat them. Do they taste soapy? I’m not about to test it out, but I am curious.

the homegrown collective september 2013 project washing with soap nuts info card

Yay for a sustainable way to wash clothes.

the homegrown collective september 2013 products for washing with soap nuts

This will clean my clothes?! Amazing.

Project #2, olive oil castile soap: Wow, this soap can be so versatile, cleaning everything from clothes to yourself. Mix it with washing soda + salt to clean your laundry or just rub it on your skin or hair to wash clean! Simple – nice and easy.

the homegrown collective september 2013 project mixing olive oil castile soap info card

A slightly more involved laundry soap solution.

the homegrown collective september 2013 products for mixing olive oil castile soap

What exactly is washing soda? Baking soda?

Project #3, dryer ball & essential oil: I totally wasn’t expecting the ball to be so soft and large. It’s totally fun! All you have to do is add it to your dryer load so it can soften your clothes and prevent static. They also included a bit of essential oil with a super refreshing minty scent, which you can dab on the dryer ball to make your clothes smell fabulous.

the homegrown collective september 2013 project using wool dryer ball and essential oil info card

A ball to beat your clothes soft, hehe.

the homegrown collective september 2013 products for using wool dryer ball and essential oil

Fun fuzzy ball and the invigorating essential oil too.

Project #4, laundry soap & bleach alt.: Once again, an effortless project where you just use the pre-made products. I wonder how they make this laundry soap and bleach alternative, versus what’s out in the market these days. I’d like to make some myself!

the homegrown collective september 2013 project using bleach alternative info and summary card

A summary of the contents and the intro to the bleach alternative.

the homegrown collective september 2013 products for using bleach alternative

What an adorable spoon!

Did you get this The Homegrown Collective box? What do you think about the theme?

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

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