365great Day 214: Best Buy/Geek Squad

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , ,

365great day 214: best buy/geek squadI’ve recently been pleasantly surprised by Best Buy’s service, at least at the Reston location. When I went in looking to buy a laptop, I was helped by two guys who were helpful but not pushy. They got me the device I wanted and I decided to opt for the Best Buy credit card since they’ve got a 0% financing for 18 months offer. Then when I took it back two days later to get it exchanged, we got that taken care of easily. Geek Squad helped me pick out a solid state drive and took in my laptop and the hard drive to install it for me. There was a hiccup along the way when they didn’t have the turnaround I was hoping for, but once I learned of the complexity of trying to get Windows 8 onto a SSD, I understood. I got my laptop back not long after that and I’ve been playing around with it to see if it’s what I want. I have 15 days to decide and if I don’t like it, I can return it and the hard drive for a full refund. With convenient policies and people offering friendly service, I’m impressed and that’s great.

Baking: the lazy solution

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,
baking tray of cauliflower in oven

You can make everything from amazing desserts like cheesecake or brownies to full-on dinners like lasagna or my new favorite – cauliflower!

I love baking the most because I’ve found it to be the least effort for the most reward. All you have to do is prep some ingredients, shove it in a hot box, set a timer, and sit back. This easy-to-do mix and bake routine cuts out a whole lot of complication. Most other ways of cooking involve much more maintenance along the way – stirring, flipping, and otherwise moving the food around. You can’t really leave the kitchen for more than a few minutes at a time. Plus, since you tend to use oil, it gets messy as you put cold items into the hot oil. So when it comes to less messy and less work, baking is my answer. I mean, I’m all about simplicity and low-maintenance in my routines.

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