365great Day 217: Grooveshark

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , ,

365great day 217: groovesharkI’ve had a few songs stuck in my head lately and sometimes I just want to listen to them without having to own them, wait for them to come on the radio, or pull up a video. That’s exactly what Grooveshark is perfect for! You can create your own playlists with whatever songs you want and play them as many times as you want. You get ultimate control over what you listen to and you don’t even need to pay a thing or sign up. It really can’t get much easier than that. I don’t know how they do it, but I sure am glad to be able to use them. What a great service!

Like ships passing in the night

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

It’s been a long week. Panda started his night shifts Sunday night and I’d head off to work before he got home. Then, when it came time for me to go home, he was already on his way back to his next shift. We’ve been even worse than ships passing in the night, missing each other by so much that there was no seeing and just a few text messages in the precious two or three hours we were both awake and he wasn’t working. By Wednesday morning, I was thrilled to find he was heading back early – I actually got to see him and catch up for about 15 minutes! It made me later for work than usual, but that was totally worth it. The nights have been lonely this week and I’m glad to have company again. Of course, it also means I’m more distracted, so I’ll keep it brief tonight. Off to write my 365great of the day!

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