365great Day 219: fresh meal kits

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 219: fresh meal kitsI think the only way to get me to cook are these amazing meal kit delivery services that send fresh ingredients pre-portioned, with recipe cards to help guide your cooking journey. I’ve tried HelloFresh and Blue Apron so far, both of which have provided delicious meal options. I’m getting a lot more confident in the kitchen and I’ve expanded my skill set beyond throwing things in a pan and pouring on soy sauce. This is actually also the first time I’ve cooked with meat, other than a few dumpling-making sessions. I always thought chicken took longer to cook! So I’m learning a lot, gaining a very useful skill, and having a ton of fun along the way. If only I knew what to do with all the ice packs I’m acquiring from these deliveries… well, regardless of that, these subscriptions are great!

Plumbing problems

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,
sink with dirty water and grains settled at bottom


When I finally decided to roll out of bed today, I went to go take a bath. Around the time the tub was halfway full, I noticed that the water was turning a yellowish brown. I called Panda over to inspect what was going on and he thought it might be my bath salts… yeah, no. I quickly got out of there as Panda tested the sink water and found the hot water was what was giving us problems. We called up the apartment management people and they’re sending someone but I feel so icky now. Few things are worse than getting ready to wash clean only to have to wait out the day unable to. I’m going to be on edge until they get this resolved.

What a way to start the weekend. My Bruins better beat Stanford tonight or I’m gonna be majorly bummed.

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