We’ve had quite a few wet days this week and a few more to get through before the skies clear. Temperatures have fallen and I find myself very happy I have heated seats and steering wheel in my car. It’s allowed me to thaw out much faster as I start my drive to work and I know it’s going to be fantastic come winter. It’s so satisfying to have heat exude from the steering wheel and seat rather than just waiting for the hot air to bring up the cabin temperature. I love getting all toasty, whether it’s using special heating equipment like those or things like heating fans, electric blankets, and heated pads. There’s nothing better than being dry and warm in cold weather; it feels so great!
365great Day 211: heating
Furloughed fiancé
Panda sent me a funny article about the spouses of furloughed employees and how they’ve had to adjust to different behavior from their partner. It highlighted one woman whose husband is at home now and is cooing with the cat, organizing their CDs, and otherwise staying active with random stuff. She works from home so she really notices the difference. For me, there was quite a change too (I say was because Panda got called back as of yesterday, so now he’s deemed “essential” and they’ve put him back to work). We actually got to enjoy the furlough a bit since we don’t live paycheck to paycheck and I believe Congress agreed to give backpay so we can definitely hold out until the government shutdown finally ends.
So what was it like for the 9 days that he was home? Well, for one thing the chores got done – floors were vacuumed, clothes were laundered, dishes were washed, and meals were cooked. I got to come home to a hot meal waiting for me quite a few times AND he even got up to cook me breakfast a few mornings. Twice, we were able to eat lunch together. He got to sleep in and get some reading and exercise in. He was able to help me pick up packages from the rental office (I never get home before they close on weekdays). He even had time to help me play a game on my iPad so I can advance faster. 😛 Not too shabby.
Did I enjoy it? You know, it really was nice. I like having a house spouse. I’m not a chores kind of gal so I loved having all that being taken care of. However…
Once Panda went back to work, I found that I really enjoyed having him look all professional and important as he headed out the door. I liked knowing that he was spending his days interacting with plenty of smart people, working toward a goal. I was comforted that he had that social interaction since sometimes his communication skills need work. 😛 And of course, since he’s the breadwinner of the family, I certainly like knowing he’ll be bringing home a paycheck. After all, our new condo purchase is riding on it! Definitely couldn’t afford the mortgage on my income alone. Still, sometime down the line I’d be totally open to a lifestyle change where he stayed home and took care of the household, if he wanted it. For now, we’re enjoying our DINK (dual income, no kids) status. It’s a nice life. 🙂
365great Day 210: face masks
I’ve really gotten into face masks recently. They’re a nice way to get a deep clean and intensify your normal routine. I tend to get ones that are detoxifying and help draw out impurities, with ingredients like kaolin clay, mud, etc. Then I got a couple of paper masks from Ipsy in the last Glam Bag and I loved those! They’re drenched in a serum solution that made my skin so soft and very well-hydrated afterward. I totally took advantage of the deal being offered on the whole line of those face masks and got two each of their 16 types (plus one free as a bonus). While it’s not the most cost-effective to get the individual packs, this will allow me to try out all the formulations and see which ones I like the best. Variety is the spice of life, no? So over the next couple of months I’ll be testing these out and looking silly most nights. It’s totally worth it for the relaxation and skin conditioning I get from them. It’s a great feeling.
365great Day 209: new
That fresh out of the box look of any product is quite satisfying. We have an obsession with new in many cultures and I’m certainly not immune. Still, there’s something wonderful about opening a box and taking out new items for the first time, treating them so gently in those initial encounters. Tonight I spent most of my time setting up my new laptop to keep everything I still want about how I did things on my old laptop while discarding some things I had accumulated without intending to. New is the perfect opportunity to transition to another phase, carrying over what you want to preserve and letting go of what you don’t want anymore. It’s a fresh start and a way to alter your course. That’s why I liked moving a lot as a kid, because each time I got a chance to rework my room and find some things I’d been missing. New is also a chance to discover what you haven’t encountered yet for a great learning experience.
New laptop time
I finally, finally pulled the trigger on my new laptop today. 🙂 I can’t believe I’ve been building up to this moment for two and a half years. It feels like five. Ever since pretty much day 1 of getting my current laptop, I’ve been annoyed by the loud noise it makes. I thought I could make do or make it better, but it never happened. So, thank goodness I can finally move on.
Awhile back, I decided I wanted an ASUS (and when I choose a brand, I pretty much always get the one I intended). My initial search this summer led me to crazy expensive ones because I convinced myself I should get one with a solid-state drive. After putting up with excessive noise for too long, all I want is quiet. As silent as possible. But after looking around and talking to various sales personnel, I decided to get a laptop with a normal hard drive and change it to SSD if I find the need to. Anything’s got to be better than my current situation though! This one has the main features I preferred: touchscreen, backlit keyboard, and 3 USB ports. The weight isn’t too bad, but I sure did hope for a super-light ultrabook.
Now excuse me while I go enjoy setting up my brand new ASUS!
365great Day 208: clouds
Oh what a brilliant skyline we had this evening as the sun was setting. The light came at just the right angle to create an amazing hue on the clouds lingering overhead. You could see everything from golden yellow to deep purple and it was stunning. If the clouds weren’t there to reflect the light, we wouldn’t have nearly as cool a view. I also enjoy thunderstorm clouds, with their deep grey menacing look bringing thunder, lightning, and rain. It’s the perfect time to curl up with a hot drink and get cozy as the pitter patter of the rain and rumbling of thunder create a symphony of sound. On the flip side, those super fluffy white clouds floating ever so peacefully overhead is striking too, especially against a rich blue sky. It’s always fun to look up and see what sort of clouds are blowing by; it’s great entertainment.
Homegrown Collective September 2013 review
I got the Homegrown Collective September GREENBOX about a week ago, but am just getting around to reviewing it! I enjoyed this “Back-to-school: sustainable laundry 101” theme a lot because it is so useful – I mean, everyone’s got to do laundry, right? (I hope.) Here’s the unboxing video for those who prefer that.
The Homegrown Collective GREENBOX is $39 per box + $9 shipping (or as discounted as $429 for an entire year, with options in between) and comes with fun and easy projects to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program you can apply to join.
Project #1, soap nuts: This is a nice project because it’s as easy as tying the bag and throwing it in the wash! These soap nuts are so cool and I wonder if someone has accidentally tried to eat them. Do they taste soapy? I’m not about to test it out, but I am curious.
Project #2, olive oil castile soap: Wow, this soap can be so versatile, cleaning everything from clothes to yourself. Mix it with washing soda + salt to clean your laundry or just rub it on your skin or hair to wash clean! Simple – nice and easy.
Project #3, dryer ball & essential oil: I totally wasn’t expecting the ball to be so soft and large. It’s totally fun! All you have to do is add it to your dryer load so it can soften your clothes and prevent static. They also included a bit of essential oil with a super refreshing minty scent, which you can dab on the dryer ball to make your clothes smell fabulous.
Project #4, laundry soap & bleach alt.: Once again, an effortless project where you just use the pre-made products. I wonder how they make this laundry soap and bleach alternative, versus what’s out in the market these days. I’d like to make some myself!
Did you get this The Homegrown Collective box? What do you think about the theme?
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]
365great Day 207: the tropics
Who doesn’t enjoy a vacation to a tropical paradise? I’ve visited many a palm tree-covered region like Florida, Hawaii, Australia, Hainan… each of which had its own draw and gorgeous sunny days. Some people may prefer the dry California climate, but I quite enjoy a nice humid place. The colors seem brighter in those places and the sky is such an amazing hue. Oftentimes you get the most brilliant white sand that is so fine it soothes your feet. Ah, and those crystal clear waters that are home to friendly dolphins, sea turtles, and all sorts of funky fish. It’s such a pleasure to go relax in those places, but it’s a good thing I don’t live there or I may never get work done! Maybe down the line when I no longer work I’ll consider moving to one of those regions – wouldn’t that be great?