365great Day 239: wireless

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , ,

365great challenge day 239: wirelessWireless might be the single greatest thing contributing to our mobility in this day and age. I rely on so many wireless devices to make my day go smoother – laptops, smartphone, wireless mice, and wireless routers to name a few. It’s what allowed me to leave work around 7 tonight and keep working through the night until now (3 am). I fiiinally finished what I wanted to at work today, which I’m thrilled about, and I’m even more pleased with the fact that I could do that from the comfort of home. After all, I don’t want to be pounding away at the office until this time. I’m so glad my work is the type that can go wherever my laptop is. I never had to work in a time when that wasn’t the case and I’m very grateful for that. The flexibility that wireless offers is pretty great.


Work overload

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Sooo I totally overestimated my ability to pump out work and I agreed to get something done today that really should take me 2-3 days to complete. I’ve been working all night, with some distractions slowing me down (dinner, news, packing). I was going to review the Yuzen winter box today, but instead I’ll leave you with a preview of the video of the unboxing that I did for them. Props to my awesome friend King/Queen for doing the editing! We make a pretty great team. 🙂 Be sure to check out the full video on Yuzen’s YouTube channel (it should be posted in a few days) and also find the other videos we’ve created for Yuzen.

yuzen winter box unboxing preview from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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