Scaling back

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

I’ve been working on a blog post for “today” (even though technically it’s already tomorrow) but I just don’t feel like finishing it quite yet. It’s been a long time since I skipped a day blogging even though it’s well past the one year goal I’d set for myself way back when. I just checked and the last skipped day was back in February. Sometimes I get carried away with goals like that, but it’s been chipping away at my time and energy. I think I went a little crazy deciding to blog daily on top of my 365great posts, so I’m giving myself a break. It’s hard for me to let go and not post something every day, but I think it’ll be better for me. I mean, for awhile I was doing an every other day thing and that felt comfortable.

Some nights you just want to curl up in the warmth of the bed and relax. Tonight I did that after a soothing bath and it felt wonderful! I totally put aside the looming blog post stuff and napped for a few hours as Panda watched our Bruins beat the Washington Huskies (woot!). Still, I woke up in the middle of the night as I am apt to do, and promptly got on the computer to blog. It’ll be nice to not do that and sleep through the night instead next time I’m exhausted. Now excuse me while I go work on the 365great post. 😛

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