365great Day 252: music

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 252: musicMusic can move us in ways that are much more profound than anything else. Sometimes I hear songs that evoke strong emotions and memories. They take me back to a period in my life when I used to hear those tunes and a whole slew of memories associated with that. Whenever I want to feel a certain way, all I need to do is pick out music that creates that sort of mood for me. I’ve chilled out to more soulful stuff and gotten energized from more upbeat stuff. Even better than that is when I can sit down at a piano and play out something that reflects my feelings. We sold our piano years ago and I missed playing whenever the mood struck, so when I saw this piano on the street, I just had to play around a bit. It was such a moment of pure joy to tap out a few notes and connect with music by creating it. Nowadays I don’t really have access to instruments, other than the Chinese piano that sits at my parents’ place. I’m looking forward to getting a piano again someday and refreshing my memory on songs I learned as a kid. The way I feel when I can play a beautiful melody is so special and truly great.

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