365great Day 256: cronuts

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 256: cronutsOne of my friends in LA introduced me to cronuts back when I was visiting him and his girlfriend in DTLA. There’s this one bakery that makes them in Little Tokyo and they are faaabulous. A donut-shaped fried treat with the texture of a croissant, filled with sweetness, rolled in sugar, and topped with fruit/chocolate… I mean, this is just madness. I tried to go get one from the original place in NYC but they’re so popular you have to get up before the crack of dawn to stand in line for hours. The one in LA will set some aside from their next batch if you call in, which is what we did. I had the blueberry one and OMG it was all kinds of amazing. I’m looking forward to getting some more when I return to the area for Thanksgiving. They’re expensive at $4 a pop, but they are oh so great.

I <3 nerdy boys

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,
shy girl wearing nerdy costume

I had fun being a nerdy girl for a performance at UCLA Orientation’s Cabaret.

I love myself a nerdy boy. The ones who are engineers or scientists or other such south campus* majors. The ones who may not be eloquent (in fact, often their English could use some work) but can calculate and code and create incredible things. The ones who may be socially awkward and/or completely clueless but have the sweetest hearts and souls. I love how they’re smart like nothing else, work harder than anyone else, yet are humble like no one else. I think they’re so cute with their silly mannerisms and geekiness for science, technology, math, and all kinds of other bodies of knowledge. These are the types of guys I can really respect, admire, and trust. It may take some extra effort to get through to them, but it’s well worth the effort for the solid connections. These are all-around good guys who make loyal, caring friends. That’s also why I chose one to date! 😀 I had to do some chasing to win him over, but he treats me right and I know I can always rely on him.

I guess part of it is also that I’m a nerd at heart too. I grew up reading books, with very few games or toys to play with. I don’t know much about sports, drinking/partying, or entertainment. I rarely watch TV or go to the movies and the only sports team I sometimes follow is my UCLA Bruins football. I don’t drink and I only went partying a bit during college. None of that stuff interests me – I’d much rather spend a quiet night in talking, playing card games, and drinking tea. I also love going out to eat together! That always makes for great bonding time. Oh, and I’m a sucker for anyone who loves cats. If I can’t connect with someone in one of those ways and all they want to do is drink beer, party, watch sports, and talk about TV/movies… well, they’re not my kind of guy. Sometimes I just want to share my heart and know that the person on the other end will keep it safe.

What’s your type?


*At UCLA, we were split between north campus (the arts) and south campus (the sciences).

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