365great Day 262: hummingbirds

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 262: hummingbirdsHummingbirds are a fascinating type of bird. They’re so different that they’re almost like over-sized insects rather than a tiny bird. They’re delicate and cute, very much like butterflies. They even drink from flowers and flit around like butterflies. Their tiny little bodies are adorable and they rather feel like toys. Even though they tend to move around quickly, when they perch on something, there’s a certain peace about them. They’ll even stare at me sometimes, completely unphased. Because of their ability to hover, it’s easy to watch them for ages without ever moving your head. And well, I’m great at staring at things like that. I could sit and watch a (humming)bird feeder all day long. Hummingbirds are so cool! I wish I could have them as pets – wouldn’t that be great?

Photo A Day Challenge November 2013

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

It’s December?! I’m not ready! All too soon it’s going to be 2014… yikes! Well, at least this is my favorite month (I’m not biased – I mean, I only love it because it’s my birth month). So for this month I’m going with a theme of #light since it’s a season full of brightness and beauty. And here’s a review of November’s #color theme:

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