365great Day 274: kitchen islands

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , ,

365great challenge day 274: kitchen islandsMy favorite feature about a kitchen is generally whether it has an island. Ever since the house in LA, I’ve enjoyed having one as a gathering spot. I like how you can stand, lean, or sit by it/at it. It’s the type of setup where you can hang out casually and spend time in other people’s company. Of course, being in the kitchen is also a fabulous location within any building – you can eat or drink while connecting with others. I love the little island we get at our condo and I can’t wait to see how we use the space. It’s going to be great!


laelene Posted in lifestyle glimpses, photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

Yay, as of today, Panda and I are officially homeowners! Ok, so technically I’m not on the mortgage but hey, don’t ruin my moment. 😛 It was wild going to what is our NEW HOME tonight just to move a few things and check it out… at night it appears much larger and it feels so surreal that all of that is ours. I hope this freshness and awe lasts for a long time. We really have a spectacular place and I can’t wait to settle in.

fancy room at title company for going through settlement paperwork

This morning, we went to the title company and took care of settlement.

set of four house keys on folder

When it was all said and done, we got our keys!!!

happy girl prancing in kitchen of brand new condo balancing on one leg with arms and other leg outstretched

At night, I had to go visit our new place. Love it!

girl standing hunching in pain as back spasms

Yeah I got a bit ambitious and ended up pulling my back. Oops!

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