365great Day 277: Lumi Inkodye

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365great challenge day 277: lumi inkodyeI got this cool set of Inkodye way back in the fall of last year, after Lumi’s Kickstarter ended and they produced the first batches of their product for backers. I’ve held on to it ever since, waiting for just the right things to try to dye. I’m still looking for a shirt or something, but in the mean time I came across the very same dye being sent out in a subscription box! Brandy of MommySplurge shared her cool creation and it’s adorable. Now I really need to get my act together and finally put my dye to use. What an amazing this concept is – turning the idea of a darkroom on its head and actually using the sun to set your dye rather than hiding from it! I’ve got to do something when I’m back in LA and I’ll definitely show you what happens. It’s gonna be great. 🙂


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

when i think of you
i think of that smile
your resilient spirit shining through

when i think of you
i wish we had met in person
so i could hug you and hear you laugh

when i think of you
i can’t help but shed a tear
as i remember the day i found out

found out the cancer had taken you

i always believed you’d beat it
you were so strong, so brave
you had the kindest heart

you made such an impact on so many lives
inspiring them, encouraging them
and bringing awareness to the need for asian donors

who else deserved to live more than you?

oh janet, how i wish it didn’t
didn’t have to end
end like that, end so soon

how i wish you were still here
sharing your beautiful soul

janet liang potrait with quote

A tribute to you, Janet, over a year after your passing. Thinking about you.

Please put yourself into the donor registry, no matter who you are. You could save a life. Learn more at Asian American Donor Program (not just for Asians) and get registered to be a donor.

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