365great Day 287: LoveSacs

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 287: lovesacsBack in high school, I first discovered the LoveSac store in the mall with my best friend, Katana. We’d go hang out there on those amazing bags and dream of one day owning one. They’re so cush and fun to lounge around on. In college, they went away and I was so bummed… but then near graduation, I saw a friend wearing their t-shirt and I was SO thrilled to hear they were back in business! When I’d been working for a little while, I decided it was finally time to make that wish come true. I got a PillowSac, which is a square-ish version of the original LoveSacs. Funny enough, I then had a friend lend me his LoveSac (which had been sitting in the office unused). We took this picture the day he came to reclaim his property once he had space for it again. Today I went to check out their Sactionals, which I was considering for our new condo. The price point is beyond what I’m willing to pay at this point, so they shall have to wait. I sure hope I can get them eventually! They’d make a great addition to our home.

Treatsie December 2013 review

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Treatsie has decided to increase their offering from 3 confectioners to 4 per box, which in turn means raising their prices slightly. As a preview of what this new box will be like, they sent it out to everyone this month. Per my understanding, I can keep the current 3 brands per box $15 subscription through the end of 2014, or I can choose to upgrade to the new 4 brands per box $19.95 subscription. I’m still undecided on this and might keep the current subscription, checking out what the difference between this and the new one is like before deciding sometime next year.

Treatsie is now $15 per box + $4.95 shipping and comes with artisan candy from 4 brands (was $15 for 3 brands). That means about 6 or 7 different flavors of treats. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral link program.

treatsie december new box with purple lettering

The new standard Treatsie box.

treatsie december box interior with mint green tissue paper and purple sticker

treatsie change in subscription service notice card

treatsie december box contents with info card

nutwhats pecan scribble from treatsie december 2013 boxNutwhats Pecan Scribble: These were the bonus items that got included because of the new subscription style. I wonder if they would have made it into the next box if Treatsie kept the 3 brands per box model. They’re a fun snack, kind of like a brittle bar but kind of like a nutty crunch bar. They’re topped with a drizzle of chocolate and have a very sweet flavor. I like them, but I’ve never been huge on nuts so I don’t think I’d ever crave them. I like how the nuts are ground into tiny pieces so I don’t get a huge chunk at a time. The super crunchy texture is nice and kind of makes me feel like I’m eating a biscuit at times.

ashby confections tortoises from treatsie december 2013 boxAshby Confections Milk Chocolate Tortoises: Oh yum!! The combination of chocolate and caramel makes me quite enjoy the pecans as part of this treat. I think I also like it because the pecans are soft so I don’t feel like I’m eating nuts at all. The salt on top is a nice detail that makes this candy feel classy. I gobbled this right up and I do believe they’re the best turtles/tortoises I’ve ever had! Right up my alley and my taste buds are happy. 🙂

tahana confections caramels in pumpkin pie spice, salted, ganache with sea salt, and vanilla from treatsie december 2013 boxTahana Confections caramels in Pumpkin Pie Spice, Salted, Ganache with Sea Salt, & Vanilla: These are addicting. Each piece is quite large so I thought they’d last me a few mouthfuls, but I found that once I bit in I couldn’t stop and just had to eat the whole thing at once. I like how they’re just the right consistency – not too soft and not too firm. The way your teeth sink in ever so gently, yet with little resistance makes it oh so easy to eat it right up. I loved all the flavors and this was the first time I’d tried a caramel with little bits of chocolate hidden inside (the ganache one), which was a fun surprise! I also loved the fragrant sweetness of the vanilla. I would totally buy more of these.

sucre chocolate baby bars in milk chocolate & almond and dark chocolate from treatsie december 2013 boxSucré Milk Chocolate & Almond and Dark Chocolate baby bars: Finally, there were these adorable little bars. As expected, I wasn’t really into the almond ones, but the dark chocolate was yummy. At just 53% cacao, it was on the sweeter side for a dark chocolate, great for those of you who are more of milk chocolate fans. I don’t think I could have more than one piece at a time since the sweetness was quite potent. It’s like they still packed all the flavor of a regular size bar into these minis! That’s good for those who are trying to portion control, since one piece goes a long way.

Overall I enjoyed this box, but was not completely convinced that I should upgrade to the new box. I mean, $15 a month for candy was already a stretch and now $20? I’m going to have to sit on this one a little while. I’m glad that they’re still keeping the original box for another year to let us figure it out. Would you upgrade to the new box?

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

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