Have you ever tried pizza with a corn meal crust? I personally love cornmeal, so this was such a treat to discover. Vicolo offers their pizzas fresh from San Francisco, so they’re only offered in limited stores. Back when I was demoing them at Whole Foods, they were shipped down to LA twice a week – always fresh, never frozen. Not sure if they still do it the same, but they’re definitely fresh. The one thing they do offer frozen are just the crust, which you can use to make your own pizzas. I’ve been craving them so much that I had Panda swing by the El Segundo Whole Foods before meeting me at LAX for our flight back earlier this week. I now have two to eat in the next couple of days, which I’m thrilled about! I’ve broken into the first one and will probably devour it all by next weekend. I just love how the crust is crunchy yet soft and grainy and wonderful. It’s such a great gustatory experience.
365great Day 302: Vicolo
I had to leave earlier than usual (at 5ish) for my yoga class. By then I was feeling not too bad. The slight fever had subsided. I fell asleep during meditation as usual, then went through the yoga class not pushing too hard but taking challenging poses as I could. Somehow I was sore, which might have been yoga yesterday… I didn’t realize how not moving for three weeks had made my muscles weak. During class I felt ok, but now I’m not doing as well. Perhaps the Advil wore off? Perhaps I should keep active? I’ve been keeping warm in bed, which feels great so long as I don’t move. When I get out, my aching back protests. I feel feverish. I even managed to pull a muscle in my foot. Once again, might be TMI, but I am still dry heaving. It’s an awful feeling. It’s worse when I’m hungry but I don’t want to eat much. Loss of appetite and all. Everything throbs, everything aches. My nostrils are getting irritated with breathing too. Meanwhile Panda’s been sick for a few days and he’s been sleeping already. He probably gave this to me when he helped cook this week.
Am I making sense? I’m too tired to reread. I guess I should sleep but somehow checking something becomes browsing something becomes reading articles upon articles. It’s like the Wikipedia rabbit hole I often fall into. Lost, again. How many things have I read now? Yet the ache of my eyes (if they ache at all, I can’t tell) is drowned out by the dull pain throughout my body. Should I take a bath? But I might not ever get up. It is so much effort. Maybe tomorrow, then. Here’s to hoping for a good night’s rest. I should really try that oregano oil from my Homegrown box. Tomorrow.
Oh, and I guess I should take some pills.