Sandwiches are so much tastier in sub form. I find the bread to be an important component of the experience and I love how many ingredients get stuffed in. You can have hot subs or cold subs and get endless combinations of flavors. It makes for a versatile meal, whether you’re enjoying lunch, dinner, or a snack. Wrap them up in wax paper and you can generally eat them without too much of a mess while keeping your hands clean. There are so many delicious sandwich shops serving subs now and each has their unique offering. I get Firehouse Subs when I want something sweeter, Jersey Mike’s when I want something more tart and refreshing, Quizno’s when I want something rich in flavor, Santini’s when I want something spicy… the list goes on! I’m a huge fan of the range of choices within this one meal type. There are all kinds of great options!
365great Day 308: subs
A week of yo-yoing
I’ve been ill for a week, but not entirely. I’ve had so many ups and downs that I can’t figure out what’s for real anymore and when I might get better. Take today, for example. I started off the day strong, almost feeling better. The morning was filled with meetings out in DC and when I got back to the office, I was doing ok. But then in the afternoon I started to crash, hard. I couldn’t think straight. I could hardly keep track of what I was doing. I had very little energy for anything requiring effort. By 5 I had just about given up on getting anything else done.
This week has felt like a month and it’s been rather stressful. My mind is so foggy I don’t trust myself to make sense. Sometimes my eyes hurt so bad I can’t see properly (especially alarming when I’m driving home). Sometimes my head hurts enough to halt all thoughts (or at least jumble them up). I can’t even focus enough to write a blog post the way I want. In fact, I’m pretty useless in anything but consuming content. I’ll stop producing awful content now and try to regain my sanity.