When I want a hot drink that’s sweet, I almost always go for hot chocolate. I love that rich goodness and it comes in so many varieties that it’s fun to experiment. Hot chocolate is always best with milk for a super creamy texture and better taste. I like to try ones like this s’mores one and others that have chai flavoring or other include marshmallows and whipped cream. I can almost never have more than a small cup though because it’s so strong. Still, it’s an awesome drink to have on a cold day – so soothing and wonderful. They make for a great treat in the winter!
365great Day 318: hot chocolate
Scatterbrained (and reviewless)
I really need to keep better track of things. Back at the end of August, I was so caught up in our vacation to the UK and then starting my new job that I completely forgot I was supposed to get one more blissmobox. Due to a customer service issue I’d contacted them about previously, they’d agreed to give me one bonus month. My normal subscription ended and they had to handle that last one separately, but the customer service guy was going on vacation too. We agreed to pick it up when I got back (but I totally forgot).
I was reviewing my blissmobox reviews, trying to finish them off (finally) but for the life of me I couldn’t find pictures for the May box (so you’ll just have to watch my YouTube unboxing video if you’re curious). Then I decided to check to make sure all other reviews were accounted for and I found that I was supposed to get Rejuvenate & Repair for August… but I never did! Oops. No wonder I can’t review it.
Earlier, I had been planning on posting a review for a Fabletics outfit that Panda gifted me, only to find that the bottoms I got weren’t the ones that were supposed to come with the outfit! As I was confirming the name of the item for an accurate review, I wondered why mine were long enough to go past my ankles but the ones in the picture only reached halfway down the calf. I dug up the tag from those pants and noted that they’re Asaro leggings. My outfit was supposed to include the Lima Capri instead. So, I’m holding off on the review until I get this sorted out and hopefully Fabletics will correct their mistake and send the capris like they should have. It’ll be a test of their customer service how they handle this issue – I’ve removed the tag and already worn the leggings, so I can’t return them. Bad service would leave me with what I got while great service would send me the original bottoms I was supposed to receive. Good service would probably give me some sort of credit to offset me getting my next outfit. Out of this world service would give me credit AND send me the capri.
What do you think I can expect?
Giveaway announcement!
Guess what?! You’ve helped me achieve my goal of reaching an Alexa rank better than 1 million!!! Yup, that’s right, I’m finally in the 6-digit territory now. As of Friday I noticed it and I’m thrilled. I’ve been tracking my progress since I decided to bring my rank up back at the end of April 2013. On 4/25/13, I was at 7,187,608. Within four months I’d made it to the 1.something millions. For the past five months I’ve been hovering in between 1 to 2 million, never quite making it below the mark… until now!
So, to celebrate I thought I’d do my very first giveaway! 🙂 Who doesn’t like a giveaway, right? Give me a little time to put some things together and I’ll post it up. Let me know if you have any suggestions – should I do one massive giveaway or a series of smaller ones? What types of stuff would you want? Of course there will be beauty and skincare items and some snacks because I have plenty of those to share, but what else? I do have some tech accessories I can include too. If you have an opinion, do share and I’ll see what I can do.
Thanks for reading & check back soon. 😀