My favorite part of subscription boxes and gift sets is often the most mundane product. This is especially true when it comes to beauty and skincare-related stuff. While I definitely love my cleansers, lotions, and potions, what usually gets me excited are the brushes and towels and whatnot. I don’t know why I like that stuff so much, but I’m sure it at least partly has to do with how it enables me to feel more effective. I prefer ones designed for skincare and don’t much care for hair and makeup ones. It’s probably related to how I tend to fiddle and like something to do with my hands. Plus, using them gives me better results, and who doesn’t want that? Saving me wasted effort is certainly great.
365great Day 330: beauty tools
Beauty Box 5 January 2014 review
I received my very first Beauty Box 5 today! They were offering a deal of a free January box for getting their 3-month tier pricing ($30 total) and I was able to snag the deal while supplies lasted. That’s a wonderful deal!
Beauty Box 5 is $12 per box (or as discounted as $99 for an entire year, with an option in between) and comes with 5 cosmetic products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. You also have the option of buying it as a gift your box to a friend. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards products or boxes.
h2o+ Sea Lotus Body Wash: This unisex body gel smells fresh and clean. I actually like how it smells through the bottle more than straight up, so I hope that the scent that permeates is what would linger on my skin.
Nubar Vanilla Cuticle Oil: Mmm, this lovely vanilla scented cuticle oil smells wonderful! It feels great and absorbed well. I can definitely see this being very healing and good for your skin.
Swissco Bath & Shower Exfoliating Gloves: Woo hoo! Out of all the colors possible, I got the very one I would enjoy the most. Love that. I’m a huge fan of tools for beauty and skincare, so I’ll be appreciating these the next chance I get. I’ll put some of that body wash on and scrub down with them.
Jergens Daily Moisture Dry Skin Moisturizer: I’ve seen Jergens around all the time, but never tried it! I really like the scent of this lotion, which is slightly sweet and very calming. It’s a lighter formula than many others, which makes it absorb super fast. I can never have enough travel size lotions and this will definitely go with me on my next trip.
Epic Blend Hemp Coconut Lip Balm: I’m always hesitant when I first see anything with hemp, but then I talk myself down and try it anyway. The combination of hemp and coconut is interesting in a way I can’t quite pinpoint. The lip balm glides right on and leaves my lips well-protected. A good staple item to have.
That Awkward Moment Compact Mirror: This was a bonus item and suuuch good timing – I was just about to take a compact to work to keep at my desk. Now I have one on hand to bring in on Monday. In the mean time I’ve had fun goofing off and talking to Panda by looking at his reflection in the mirror. 😛
What do you think of the items in this box? Sign up for Beauty Box 5 if you’re interested!
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]