Postagram is a fun app that allows you to send out postcards of pictures you’ve taken. It’s like sending a physical version of an Instagram post, in a way. Pictures are always cropped to a square and come as part of a postcard where you can remove the square photo for posting up. They make it fun and easy to send a unique, simple gift all through a few taps in their app. They also do quite a few offers where you can get free credits; in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever paid to send one. I’ve sent about 7 or 8 and I still have a good 25 credits! Amazing. For special occasions, it’s such a nice way to commemorate a meaningful moment. What a great little gift.
365great Day 341: Postagram
Blissmobox: Winter Beauty
The final blissmobox. As I mentioned recently, I never got the last one I was supposed to receive, so I contacted customer service and they eventually agreed to send me one of the variations they have now. It was a toss up between Winter Beauty and Blissmo Beauty for me (the other option was a snack-themed one). I went with Winter Beauty hoping for more rich, hydrating, healing skincare. This was my last blissmo box and I think it was the February one, but I’m really out of touch with their cycle so it might have been from the Jan selections.
blissmobox is just under $25 per month with shipping (or as discounted as just under $120 for 6 months) and comes with eco-friendly products in themes like beauty, snacks, home, pets, and more. Each month you choose from two or three themes, or skip if none of them appeal to you. They do not offer a referral program.
Yes To Blueberries, Age Refresh Eye Firming Treatment – I’ve been fascinated by this brand and I’m always happy to get their products, but I don’t know if I really need eye treatment stuff so I think I’ll put this in my samples pile to share with people I trade with. It’s hard to believe that this packet is fully 1/5th of the regular size they sell! I bet it’d last quite a long time.
Nature’s Gate, Biotin Strengthening Conditioner – I already got this in last February’s Skin Essentials box and it was pretty good. However, I am confused as to why they only included the conditioner this time… would it have been so much trouble to have at least the shampoo again, if not the body wash as well? I mean, isn’t conditioner more effective combined with shampoo? It’s disappointing to get just the single sample here.
Joyful Bath Co, Oatsy Floatsie bath soap – I love this soap and have another sample sitting around somewhere. I’d bought the full size previously and used that all up. I love how well it suds and it smells wonderfully of lavender. When I use up some of the other soaps I have around now, I’m definitely going to look at getting another one of these. I believe you can even find them in Whole Foods now! I love perusing the bath section of stores.
Choice Teas, Organic Breathing Space – I could definitely use some caffeine-free tea. This seems like a great one to have when you’re feeling a little under the weather or need a pick-me-up on a cold day. Like with the hair care sample, I wish they hadn’t given just one little packet. Another flavor or a trio of this same flavor would have made a far greater punch here.
Calolea, Glycerine & Olive Oil Complexion Bar – Ok, I was not impressed at first, but once I read about how great this soap is I’m looking forward to using it. Plus, I sniffed it and it’s such a lovely clean, fresh, but not too strong scent. This is hypoallergenic and is supposed to be good for your complexion. I certainly need something like that! It’s gentle and they even recommend using it for men when they’re shaving. So useful! And with olive oil, I’m sure it won’t dry me out.
ellovi, lip butter – Pure and simple, just a few ingredients (six, to be exact). It’s a cute little lip butter with nothing extra in it to complicate things. I happen to love the oval shape for lip balms, which applies faster and really gets those corners well. I like to have lip balms available everywhere, since you never know where your lips will feel dry, so this will find a happy home in a pocket, on a counter, or maybe even in the car.
Mee Beauty, Bee Kissed honey & beeswax lip balm – Ooo, a lip balm infused with honey! That’s pretty new to me and a fun way to draw in the bee theme. Once again, I’ll find a place for this so I can keep my lips well taken care of. I like how there’s not a strong scent to this. I’m sure I could even convince Panda to use this for his winter lips.
This time there was no info card and I wish there was some “wow” factor. While I do like some of the new brands here, I feel like they could have been a bit more generous with the samples.