Museums are a wonderful blend of exploration and learning. You can choose to just walk around and absorb the views or spend more time reading through the exhibits. The experience is whatever you want to make of it and you might find yourself going back time and time again. You can learn about science, technology, art, history, and all sorts of disciplines in those large halls. Sometimes you can watch a movie or do an interactive activity. Everyone from young children to seasoned adults can find something to enjoy in a museum and there’s always something new to learn. They make a great place to go no matter who you are.
365great Day 346: museums
A lesson in buyer’s remorse
laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: experiences, lessons, pictures, products, shopping
Recently, there have been a couple of items that I really wanted to get, but in deciding to wait it out, I missed on the opportunity. Panda and I have been to multiple Dollar Tree stores hoping to find a melon-scented Skittles-themed candle I had my eye on. They’re all sold out now and I’m bummed, but I do have hope they’ll bring it back. I’ve learned that some things are just not meant to be delayed, so I’ve grabbed a few items that I would otherwise have spent more time evaluating. No more regrets, wishing I had that cool product!

As soon as I saw this at Costco, I knew I had to grab it. It’s amazingly soft and in my favorite color!