Whether working, studying, or just plain living abroad, it’s the type of experience I think everyone should try at least once. I’ve done them all, like visiting family in China for summer break (and going to school for that year when I was 9), doing an exchange program in England, and working overseas in Singapore. This was from my last night in Singapore, as I packed up my desk and bid farewell to my coworkers. It had been quite an immersion into their culture, completely unlike anything I was used to yet familiar in many areas. It’s amazing what you learn in a few weeks of entering a different society. It’s easy to stay closed-mind in a bubble if you never leave your home country, but normal travel doesn’t quite change you the way living abroad does (even if it’s only for a few months). I really value all of my time abroad in the various capacities that I was there for. Spending extended time in any other country opens your eyes to other ways to view the world and it’s a great learning opportunity for all.
365great Day 363: living abroad
Julep March 2014: The Riviera Collection review
This time when the selection period began, I was ready. A quick look at the profiles revealed that I much preferred the beauty products over the nail polishes, so I opted for the Modern Beauty option that includes two beauty items, with no polish. I then browsed the add-on options and decided to get a polish in Princess Grace. I was fascinated by the lip products that came with this month’s box, so I just couldn’t pass them up.
Julep is just under $20 per box and comes with 2 nail polish colors and a beauty product, 3 nail polish colors, or 2 beauty products (depending on your style profile choice). They offer plenty of upgrade and add-on options too. Boxes are sent monthly unless you choose to skip (skips are earned every six months for subscribers Dec 18th, 2013 and later). You also have the option of gifting your box to a friend. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free boxes.

The Luxe Lip Conditioning Treatment is hydrating and smells kind of coconuty. The metal tip is cooling and soothing.

The Buff Lip Scrub Pen is a lightly sweet smelling scrub with tiny crystals. I actually liked keeping in on after use to keep lips soft and moist.

I chose this as an add-on because it looked more vibrant orange than the corals I have, which are slightly more peachy/pink.
I do like the products, but I’m not sure about the price. I mean, $20 for two lip products? That’s pretty steep and actual prices if you buy them separately are even higher. In a way, I guess it’s good I got them in my Maven box, since that’s one of the better deals, but I probably wouldn’t repurchase unless they were heavily discounted. I do like both products and will use them.
Join as a Julep Maven to get polishes and/or beauty products sent to you monthly! Use code FREEBOX or FREEMAVEN to get the first box free (you pay shipping).
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]