It was a tough choice between my default profile of Boho Glam and the fun bright colors of the Bombshell profile, but ultimately I decided to stick with Boho Glam. Sort of wanted both! Many moons ago, I decided to contribute to the crowdfunding for the Plie Wand that came out this month and I was happy to receive it.
Julep is just under $20 per box and comes with 2 nail polish colors and a beauty product, 3 nail polish colors, or 2 beauty products (depending on your style profile choice). They offer plenty of upgrade and add-on options too. Boxes are sent monthly unless you choose to skip (skips are earned every six months for subscribers Dec 18th, 2013 and later). You also have the option of gifting your box to a friend. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free boxes.
I’m really happy with this box and feel like I got a great value even without the bonus polish. I’m really glad to have the extra cap and brush, though I don’t think I really need the brush part since the wand works quite well for me as is. At first I thought those brushes were superfluous, but then I read the card and it turns out they’re shorter than the ones you’d find on a polish. Now I regret not getting the fun dotting and striping tools, so when I get a chance I’ll have to add them to another order. 🙂
Join as a Julep Maven to get polishes and/or beauty products sent to you monthly! Use code FREEBOX or FREEMAVEN to get the first box free (you pay shipping).
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]