The donkey farm

laelene Posted in lifestyle glimpses,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

It was one of Panda’s coworker’s send-offs today, so we got a chance to go out to the farm of another coworker. Panda refers to it as the donkey farm, probably because the donkey is their unofficial mascot. Everyone had heard about momma donkey (Morning Glory) having baby donkey (Melvin), so Melvin became their mascot of sorts. They hadn’t actually met him yet, and I ended up being the first one to interact with him on the farm! I never knew that these mini donkeys made good companions for horses; that was the whole reason they are kept on the farm, in fact.

face of white miniature donkey at farm

Hey there Ms. Morning Glory.

brown horse sticking head out towards person

Romeo really loved attention.

brown horse sticking head out towards person trying to lick her

Apparently Romeo saw all people as delicious.

brown horse and white and brown miniature donkey eating hay together

Delilah and Melvin shared a nice meal in each other’s company.

miniature donkey nuzzling person's foot

Melvin seemed to enjoy nuzzling my foot. #majorbonding

selfie with miniature donkey poking head through fence

Selfie with Melvin the miniature donkey (and mascot)!

tractor scoop being used as icebox for cold drinks

Put some ice in it, throw the drinks in, and have a party. #farmlife

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