Do it for yourself

laelene Posted in general blog,

After watching the Macklemore interview at TEDxPortland and hearing his parting words about not letting perfection stop you from starting, it made me think about creation. Humans are drawn to creating things, whether crafts or art or even ideas. Maybe you’re a musician or a knitter, a woodworker or a mathematician. In each, you may feel the pressure to perform well again and again. It’s easy to overthink the result you want and intimidate yourself from even trying.

If you set out to craft the perfect song, sweater, cabinet, or statistical equation, you will likely get very discouraged along the way. Does it mean you shouldn’t try? For fear of producing complete junk, you might convince yourself you’re not good enough. But if it’s something you want, something you crave – then give it a shot. You might find that you do suck. You might have many restarts and edits. That’s really the price of improvement though.

Even the best out there have times where they do not like what they produce. The difference is that for the love of the craft, of the art they produce, they keep pushing forward. And with that they see incremental improvements. Nobody can produce amazing new pieces every time. Creativity takes honing and skills take practice.

Beyond that, even if you aren’t that great, as long as it fulfils your heart, I think it’s still worth it. The experience of doing your craft or art will be immensely rewarding in itself when it’s what you love. No one can take that away from you. Sometimes you should do it just to do it. It may never become what you make a living from and you may never get that good at it, but what matters is what you get out of it. The pleasure, the feeling of accomplishment, the wonderful memories – those are worth more. If you love it, do it for yourself.

For me, this blog is one thing that I choose to do for myself. I don’t consider myself to be a great writer, but I enjoy sharing my thoughts, experiences, memories, and more. There are times I post something wondering if the writing was completely awful and if I should share it at all. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter; I’m drawn to blogging and it brings me a sense of accomplishment no matter how well I might be doing it. It’s not that I don’t want more readers… it’s just that I would rather produce what I like and not feel pressured to do things a certain way to gain more readership. So I focus on what I enjoy and hope that it provides value to others. If not, it at least pleases me.

So don’t hold yourself back from something you truly enjoy doing! Go do it for yourself. 🙂

Petit Vour January 2016 review

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Ah, freshness. These products are simple and clean – great way to start a new.

Petit Vour is $15 per box (or as much as $30 for international subscribers) and comes with vegan beauty, skincare, and other personal care products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free boxes (email to say I referred you if you sign up!).

contents of petit vour january 2016 box with hello 2016 theme and info card petit vour january 2016 box info card with item details

S.W. Basics cream – This is a super soft cream that melts like butter upon contact with skin. It smoothes on very easily and softens the skin. Now it does smell a little odd to me, so I’ll probably use this on my legs more than I would on my hands or face.

French Girl Rose Lip Polish – Mmm, this smells really nice. Just a tiny bit is enough to completely refresh my lips and it feels so good! Lip scrubs are a ton of fun and I enjoy using this one a lot.

Evelyn Iona – Now I’m not much of an eyeliner person. I haven’t tried gel liner before and I nearly didn’t see the little pot of it! I thought it was just the brush as a tool at first, haha. This is a really cool set and it might just be enough for me to try it out. Or I might give it to a friend.

kaia bamboo tapioca beads – I got a sample of this previously and I’ve tried it before. It’s a handy way to bring a facial cleanser/mask on a trip without taking up much space at all. It has a nice sweet smell and the granules in it are a good way to exfoliate.

I like the skincare focus of this box and I’m curious about the eyeliner so we’ll see how that experiment goes! What do you think of these products?

[This post mentions a referral program. Signing up and emailing to say I referred you helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Striking sisters

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Missy and Smokey are certainly acting like sisters now, playing and fighting pretty much on a daily basis. At times I can’t tell if it’s fun or too aggressive, but I guess we’ll chalk it up to sibling rivalry. This is an improvement from the times that Smokey would hiss at her new sister!

cats playing through door crack from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

cats playing under door from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

cats fighting under door from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

cat rearing back to pounce from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Prospurly January 2016 review

laelene Posted in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This Prospurly box was also waiting for me first thing after the snowstorm and I’m finally getting around to reviewing it!

Prospurly is just under $45 per box (with code for 10% off your subscription – use my referral links from this post) and comes with artisan foods, bath & body items, home products, and other sustainably crafted items. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you free boxes.

prospurly january 2016 box open with products showing prospurly january 2016 info card with product details

blythe market detox foot soak – How fun! I think this will be the perfect thing to do when I want to relax and a bath is just too much effort. It’s very lightly scented and the crystals inside have clumped into bits that can be broken up in water.

fawn lily botanica geranium + argan oil facial serum – I love a facial serum so this is much appreciated. I’ve been trying to stick to a routine that includes cleansing, toner, serum, and moisturizer. Once my current serum is used up, it’s good to know I’ll already have another one ready to go.

affirmation cards – These are cute cards that each have a theme: kindness, self-belief, choice, and exploration. On the back of each card it says, “This day forward, I [will be/believe/choose to/will]…” and has six lines to list: “Kind to/I can/I choose/Explore.” It’s a nice way to put intention into who you want to be and what actions you can take.

Faber-Castell charcoal grey mechanical pencil – To go with the cards and fill them out, you can use this pencil! I can’t remember the last time I used a mechanical pencil, but it might just come in handy for grad school. I love the sleek look of this and the triangular shape of the tube. I’m more into pens, so I might have to try some of theirs.

handmade la conner lavender laundry soap – Ooo this is super cool. I am all about natural products! I would be happy to replace any current laundry soaps with this kind and I look forward to trying it.

fawn lily botanica spiced chai + coconut lip balm – This is a very unique flavor and has a light spice. It’s sort of chocolatey as well and is super soft on the lips. I like to have lip balm handy in a variety of locations, so I’m sure I will easily find a home for this one, whether at work, in the car, or at home.

Barefoot Apothecary Chamomile & Euphoria Honey Elixir – I really should have had this earlier when I was terribly congested and coughing up a storm. Still, it’s nice to have now to mix in my drinks as I slowly heal from a bout of the flu.

Another great box full of products that I am happy to discover! This is quickly becoming my favorite box. I’m a huge fan of artisans making products in small batches with love and care. What do you think of these products?

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

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