When you are confused about life, seek distractions. At least that seems to be my approach right now.
Distract me with music. Upbeat or melancholic, switch it up. Just make noise and fill the air.
Distract me with food. Eating bite by bite. Not exactly savoring, but trying to.
Distract me with driving. Doesn’t matter where. Find a place and go.
Distract me with Facebook/Instagram. I don’t think I’ve been this social media absorbed since college.
Distract me with new people. It’s fresh and new. Maybe they’re the one to pull me out of my funk.
Distract me with working out. If I’m busy working on my form and exerting my body, maybe my mind will calm.
Yet I can’t seem to find catharsis, much as I desperately want it. I’ve got some things to work through I guess. (At least it’s slowly getting better.)