I’ve been traveling through Asia with some of my classmates for school and now for fun, so I haven’t had the time to really sit down for a post. It’s been such an amazing time and in trying to explain work husbands to my cousin in Japan who joined me for part of the trip, I talked about creating my own little extended family unit. I think that’s a fitting way to describe the closeness I feel with these incredible people. I’m with two of them now, as well as some who could very well be siblings or cousins of sorts (I’ve taken to calling one of them “lao ba” – an affectionate “old dad” nickname). More on my non-blood family another time… for now, here are some pics.
We stayed right across from Taipei 101.
Climbing Elephant Mountain was difficult but totally worth it.
I’m all about climbing and nature and views.
Pretty sure I lost this dress at the hotel, boo.
This bus was like a time capsule!
Taipei airport music-themed rest area. Off to Shanghai!
Visiting Baosteel to watch steel being made was cool.
It’s super hot when it rolls by and glows all over you.
City God Temple has tons of shopping.
Professor Lin and have the same taste and voted for the same logo design.
Hangzhou visit to Alibaba took us to this beautiful city.
At the highest place in Shanghai enjoying the view.
A funky place for live music in the basement of The Peninsula.
We found an amazing rooftop bar to contrast the club below. What a way to end our time in Shanghai.
The last breakfast buffet! I loved the salted duck eggs and congee.
I finally had time to try the fresh noodles before heading off.