I’ve been on an extended hiatus and what better day to come back than on a day to celebrate my favorite animals? I’ve been on a crazy binge-watching spree of Chinese dramas so I hardly want to spend my time doing much else, but for my feline friends it’s worth it.
Plus, I’m a little inspired because I watched alllllllllllllll these shows and I want to write down my thoughts on them before my opinions all fade away after a few months. In a short (less than) 2 months, I’ve managed to blast my way through 9 — count’em — 9?!! series. Other than the first one being a short 6-episode one, the rest have all been about 50-60 episodes each. As I’ve learned, these seem to be the standard for Chinese shows; they’re billed as 1 season, but really they could have been 3.
We’ll table that for now though, I’ll start drafting up posts about the shows I’ve watched and hopefully don’t lose the motivation and momentum I have to get them actually posted. 😛
Today I just wanted to pop back in after soooooooooo long away and share some pics of my favorite kitties. There are currently 3 in my life: Smokey who lives with me, Missy who lives with my parents, and Zephyr who lives with my bestie.