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I love seaweeds of many types prepared in many forms. There’s the crispy, crunchy, slightly sweet taste of seaweed salad as shown or the dry, flaky, airy crunch of dried seaweed snacks. There’s seaweed that is long like strands of spaghetti and seaweed that is flat like paper. Sometimes it’s green, or red, or brown, or black(ish). I enjoy it as a snack on its own or as a topping for a soup. It’s pretty versatile as a food and I’m a huge fan. It probably has something to do with my Asian upbringing, since I grew up viewing seaweed as just another snack, much like carrots or cucumber. I’m especially a sucker for the kind of seaweed salad that is offered at Japanese restaurants. You can’t tell in this picture, but this plate is actually shaped like a fish! I was amused by that. A food that can be eaten in so many forms is less likely to bore me and that definitely is great.