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Sea monkeys are seriously some of the coolest pets ever. They’re super low-maintenance, cost very little, and are immensely entertaining. For around $10-15, you can get a starter kit including aquarium, eggs, and food. I also recommend getting an aerater (they have the “million bubbles pump” or you can find your own tool) to help refresh the water. Beyond that, you really don’t have any other expenses! Just follow the directions to get your eggs hatching and you’re on your way to sea monkey bliss.
These little suckers are awkward and funny fellows that are really fun to watch. You can watch them grow from a pinpoint-sized dot to about 1 cm long, all the while swimming about energetically in their backwards flowing fashion. Soon enough, you’ll find a pair mating and if you’re lucky, your brood will multiply. At this point, it’s probably best to get them a larger container, since I think I’ve had batches die due to overcrowding. Other than that it’s super easy to care for them – just feed every few days and keep out of direct sunlight. They’re really hardy and can last a long time without a feeding, if you need to go on a trip or something. For that sort of convenience and price, sea monkeys as pets are a pretty great idea.