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When counter and desk space start to get crowded, one of the easiest ways to alleviate the problem without stuffing everything away into drawers is getting some shelving! I personally love shelves because it gives you so much room to put stuff and still see it all. I like to keep my stuff within easy reach and if I tuck it away into a drawer, I might not use it as much as I’d like. Recently I decided that I needed a shelving solution and I found this great 9-cube shelf at Target. Imagine the clutter I had with all that stuff before I had the shelves to help me out! Things were laying all over the floor, the bed, chairs, and nightstands. Now it’s much more organized and I can always drape something over the entire thing if it gets unsightly and I don’t want it to be an eyesore. I love storage solutions and shelves are one of the greatest.