I’ll count singing, humming, and whistling for this one. I don’t think there’s a day that goes by where I don’t at least make a little peep related to music. Usually it’s whistling since it doesn’t require words and I can practice my embouchure. I’ve never been very good with song lyrics, Chinese , English, or otherwise. Singing in one form or another almost always lifts my spirits, even when I’m connecting to a sad song. It’s a way to tap into emotions and allow feelings to move you. If you’re singing a song others know, it also becomes a way to share a connection. People seem to either love singing because they think they’ve got an excellent voice or they shy away from it because they think their singing is horrible. To me, it’s more about how it makes you feel than how it makes you sound. I’m almost always (shamelessly) grooving to music in the car, having fun trying out notes and harmonizing. It’s a great feeling that I think everyone should tap into more.