Pho is comfort food to me. When I’m not feeling well, whether I’m sick or sad, it’s the perfect thing to soothe me. I personally like it more than chicken noodle soup. I love the fragrance of the herbs, the thin noodles, the rich broth, and the experience of putting in the veggies when the soup comes out steaming hot. I like to get the plain noodle soup if I can, since I love it for the veggies, soup, and noodles. No need for meat for me! I always feel better after downing a large bowl and usually my sinuses and head will get cleared up by the end of it. It’s perfect for those down days and I can’t even remember what I used to do before I was introduced to pho. I guess I did get afternoon fevers pretty frequently in high school. I’m so glad that college brought me experiences like discovering pho because it’s now an important part of my diet, particularly in the colder months. It’s so great for a pick-me-up!